The episode opens with the Apostle John interacting with the other disciples and Mary to record their memories of Jesus. When you look back, he met each one of them when they were seeking God, when they were miserable and seeking the Lord for help in their troubled lives, when they had given up!
It does pose as a reminder that God is always seeking us, looking out for us even when we aren’t looking in the right places and no matter where we tend to depart from him, he has his ways of getting us back to shore.
John seeks to write about Jesus and his existence even before his birth and a dialogue with Mary where she insists John mourns the loss of his bother James instead of writing the accounts of Jesus. This gives us an insight of the relationship John had with Jesus, and he choose to reflect on Jesus in his hard times. Something we are called to do when faced with adversity in our life.
A few instances in this episode are: Jesus seems to be lost and the apostles start to look for him. What we can ponder here is how easy it is to lose sight or lose track of who Jesus is in our lives or at times we even try to fit Jesus in our daily agenda.
When Rehma’s (Thomas’ Betrothed) father has a conversation with Jesus, Jesus mentions that he asks a-lot from those who follow him. Is it really too much? Is it a a lot when you do it with love, is it a-lot to read the word and spread the good-news at every opportunity you get? The conversation with Jesus and Melech, one of the robbers in the Good Samaritan story, answers this; where Jesus instructs Melech after he confesses and repents to go back to him. The answer is Jesus’s hug (peace) enough to make an adult cry and sleep like a child, the answer is the blessings he will give you!
- Luke 15:3-7
- John 1:1-18
- John 21:24-25
- Mark 3:17
- Luke 9.52-56
- John 4:28-30, 39-42
- John 14:12
- The episode opens with John interviewing the disciples about their memories of Jesus. How did you met Jesus?
- Jesus mentioned to Melech ,”we Jews love talking and listening to stories”. Who do you enjoy talking with about Jesus? Why?
- Jesus is about to give authority to all his disciples who follow him? To do miracles that they could do and more? How would this resonate with you today?
** Please note this episode review is also inspired from other comments and reviews on the net. More specifically (,
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