John 12:20-33
In the Gospel for the fifth Sunday in Lent, people from Israel and beyond have come to pay homage to God in the Holy temple of Jerusalem during the festival. A few gentile Greeks are impressed with the righteous zeal of Jesus in cleansing the temple and his teachings. They wish to meet Jesus. The disciple Philip, a Galilean with a Greek name and Andrew facilitate the meeting of the gentile Greeks with Jesus. The Greeks immediately received the message of promised salvation for not just Israel but to all nations of the world including the gentile Greeks. This salvation is only possible through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Jesus foretells of his salvific death by stating that the grain of wheat that falls on the ground must die to bear fruit. We too, are called to die to our sinfulness and worldly desires to bear fruits of virtue. Fruits for the Kingdom of God. It’s only when we bear fruit that the people will seek to know Jesus through us. This is exactly what Philip and Andrew achieve by helping the Greeks meet Jesus. So, are we ready to die to the things that prevent us from bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God? Are we ready to help others to meet Jesus and accept him as their saviour?