Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday
Mark 6: 53-56 |
The journey which was set out for Bethsaida due to the winds Jesus and his Apostles land at Gennesaret, the western shore of the lake. The Apostles were baffled seeing Jesus walk on the water, but do not understand anything, nor the multiplication of bread and fish before that.
By now all the regions in and around Galilee, Nazareth and Jerusalem had heard of the Jesus’ works and must have been waiting to reach out to Jesus. The ones at the shore had surely seen Jesus before and for sure had seen the miracles, especially the healing of Jairus’ daughter and the woman who got healed just touching the hem of Jesus’ garment, so they ran to the town and neighbourhood and spread the news that Jesus was at the shore and brought along the sick to be healed.
We see the caring nature of the people and concern for each other as they wanted to help others. Their faith was so great that as soon as the news would go round that Jesus is going to pass a marketplace or a particular road, the sick were brought and laid on the sides of the street. We can imagine the scene, the anxiety and joy of seeing Jesus that the whole village must have gathered in places where he was.
And we cannot miss the compassionate heart of Jesus, who untiringly touched and healed all those who came to him and brought to him. Today, do we have the same faith, do such works and miracle still happen? Look around, there are so many who are fearlessly spreading the word and healing the sick like the Apostles did cause Jesus had told them that after he goes, all those who believe would do much greater miracles in his name. But some of us still doubt them, we have our differences with them.
Dear Lord Jesus, help us to see with the eyes of faith and understand your mission. Teach us to care for each other and bring people to you to experience your love and healing.