Our Father

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The First Week Of Lent Matthew 6: 7-15 In today’s gospel the simple prayer that Jesus taught is as new and fresh today, as when it was first spoken. It reveals how things are to be between God and ourselves, and also with one another. Doesn’t […]
The Judgment of the Nations

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The First Week Of Lent Matthew 25: 31-46 Jesus is talking about his second coming. We hear so many prophecies on this statement that the world would end when Jesus comes back. In the past few years, many had said that the last day was near, […]
The Temptation of Jesus

Reflection on the Gospel of the First Sunday Of Lent Matthew 4: 1-11 The temptations of Jesus is today’s Gospel. But why did Jesus go into the desert for 40 days? Well there are many significant details associated with it but we can certainly say that it was a time of preparation for Jesus […]
Jesus Calls Levi

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday After Ash Wednesday Luke 5: 27-32 Jesus at different occasion called different person for his mission. Out of 12 apostles Peter and Levi (Matthew) were called in the midst of their routine work. Peter and Levi was professionally skilled person and faithful to their work. Levi was […]
Jesus and the Question about Fasting

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday After Ash Wednesday Matthew 9: 14-15 We are in the holy season of Lent which is highlighted by Fasting, Penance and Almsgiving. Fasting is a form of self – control also symbolizing mourning or repentance. It helps to purify the heart and expresses an inner hunger for […]
Jesus Foretells His Death

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday After Ash Wednesday Luke 9: 22-25 Carrying the Cross has become a sign of discipleship. One who offers his cross i.e suffering, challenges, difficulties, state of life to the Lord and follows him, is a true disciple of Jesus. To say the same in other words, ‘someone […]
Concerning Your Relationship With God

Reflection on the Gospel of ASH WEDNESDAY Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 All of us had plans yesterday, for today. Yet some did not wake up to a new day of life and opportunities. We make plans to live a better life and most of us invest it in winning people and being in their […]
Who is the Greatest?

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Seventh Week Of Ordinary Time Mark 9: 30-37 What, I love most about Jesus among many other things is that Jesus never deceives. Like a true genuine friend, Jesus, is trying to prepare his friends for bad news (the Passion) and good news (the Resurrection), […]
The Healing of a Boy with a Spirit

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Seventh Week Of Ordinary Time Mark 9: 14-29 Prayer and Fasting, Jesus before starting his ministry went to the wilderness and prayed and fasted for 40 days and while preaching and working miracles, he did not stop praying. He daily without fail spent time alone […]
The Message of the Sermon on the Mount

Reflection on the Gospel of the Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time Matthew 5: 38-48 The message of the Gospel of Matthew is about cultivating a relationship with God. He is the Pearl of great price, the Treasure beyond value. The most prized possession one can have. The Gospels give a name to this relationship […]