Judging Others

Matthew 7:1-5     This teaching on judging is continuation of the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus here explains to the crowd why we call condemnation on ourselves, by the very standards we set for others. And makes them understand that Love and Mercy is far more acceptable, and is imitating God in the way […]

Jesus Stills a Storm

Mark 4:35-41 Today’s Gospel is certainly the most dramatic of scenes. Jesus has just finished teaching and is seeking to relax somewhere away from the crowds. He decides to sail across the sea with His disciples knowing very well that a terrible storm will be brewing shortly. That’s right, Jesus being God knows of the […]

Serving Two Masters & Reasons Not To Worry

Matthew 6:24-34    “The time is fulfilled and Kingdom of God has come near repent and believe in good news” is proclaimed by Jesus to Jews people. Jesus’s lengthest sermon covered in Matthew gospel from ch 5 to 7. Past few days we were reflected on Jesus sermon on concerning retaliation, love for enemies, almsgiving […]

Treasures and Role of The Eye

Matthew 6:19-23   For most part of our lives we are chasing different goals and the goal post only keeps moving.; first studies, then the job, then building up wealth for the family etc etc.. the list is endless! As we chase these needs of ours we forget to ‘just live the moment’ and enjoy […]

The Lord’s Prayer

Matthew 6:7-15   God is in continues search of a kind and loving heart who genuinely will offer, talk and enter into a relationship with Him, this is the type of prayer offering He is looking for. Our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask him, hence this is more that a formula […]

Almsgiving and Prayer

Matthew 6:1-6,16-18   In this passage Jesus, teaches us the correct way to practice the three important traditions of Christian life i.e.: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Prayer: (v.6) Importance of personal prayer. Having intimacy with Abba. A deep communion with the Father in faith and love. Worshipping Abba with a pure heart.   Fasting: (vv.17-18) […]

Love for Enemies

Matthew 5:43-48 Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. How so? Jesus does tell us this; God is impartial, loyal and committed. He has not discarded humanity because it has been giving him the cold shoulder (cf John 3:16). He has faithfully taken care of man and has provided for both, those who recognise and […]

Concerning Retaliation

Matthew 5:38-42   Today’s passage seems very easy, but try to practice it, you will know how difficult it is.  I vaguely remember in my childhood once when I went home crying as my friend had hit me.  My dad told me go back to the friend and give the other side.  I was more […]

Parables; The Growing Seed, The Mustard Seed

Mark 4:26-34   In today’s Gospel, we are reminded that the Kingdom of God is developed through a process. A process that cannot be predetermined or planned by man. However, the process does involve the cooperation of man. The quality of fruit produced will be determined at harvest time. The tiny mustard seed represents the […]

The Boy Jesus in the Temple

Luke 2:41-51     In Israel as a custom the Jewish people, every year, go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passoover Feast in remembrance of the freedom from slavery, they received at the hand of Yahweh. As usual the Holy Family went to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast Passover Feast and while returning back to […]