Judas Agrees To Betray Jesus

Matthew 26:14-25 Today’s Gospel is from Matthew, yesterday it was the same event, but from St. John’s Gospel. John stressed on the understanding of Love – Total Self Giving Love. Matthew is more focused on the new Passover, which he mingles with the custom of re-living the old Passover of Egypt. The old Passover […]
Jesus Foretells His Betrayal

John 13:21-33, 36-38 Just before this passage, we read of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, and he says to Peter, ‘unless you let me serve you in love, unconditionally, you cannot have a part in God/in me. You need to Love and Serve self-outpouring-ly even unto death. Like when one gives himself to […]
Mary Anoints Jesus

John 12:1-11 Jesus came to Bethany, The door of Martha, Mary, Lazarus was always open to Jesus. Do we welcome, Do we serve , Do we dine with the Lord? Do we make arrangements for his stay? When we do this, our House will be filled with Lords fragrance. People in and around will be […]
Jesus The Bridegroom Enters Jerusalem

Mark 11: 1-10 This is the reading not of the main Mass today, but the reading during the palm procession, preceding the Mass. It speaks of what we remember about this day; Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, as its rightful ruler and bridegroom. And he comes riding on a donkey, just like King David his Father. […]
The Plot to Kill Jesus

John 11:45-57 Jesus has become a threat for everyone. Just before this passage, we read of Jesus raising Dead Lazarus to life. Many believed and the self-righteous and powerful felt threatened. The Sadducees were worried about the Romans reaction. The Pharisees were worried everyone would desert them. The scribes were worried that […]
The Jews Reject Jesus’ Teaching

John 10:31-42 The Pharisees are upset with Jesus’ bold teaching and cannot take it anymore and hence want to stone him to death for blasphemy! A punishment – they said, for calling himself the ‘Son of God’! He urges them to take off the blinds from their eyes and see that he was only doing […]
The Birth of Jesus Announced

Luke 1: 26-38 The Annunciation of Jesus’ Birth is a sign of hope on two levels, It is announcing that the King of Kings is coming to his own, to rescue them. And it is also announcing to each one of us, that we are not forgotten. God wills us to be saved and […]
True Discipleship

John 8:31-42 Jesus is Truth! When we believe in Him and obey His Word, He sets us free from sin and the lies of the devil. The Jews thought they had the privilege of being Abraham’s descendants. But just being Abraham’s descendants did not automatically make them ‘God’s Children’. They had failed to realise that […]
Jesus Speaks of his Approaching Death and Departure

John 8:21-30 There are two things that stand out in this passage; Jesus’ high level of acceptance of how he was going to die, so much so that he was free in talking about it with the very ones who would take him to his death. This came from the fact that he understood […]
Women Caught In Adultery

John 8:1-11 The Lord never condemns us, even if we are caught in the act of grave sin. Even in situations like this, The Lord sees an opportunity, and blesses the person with a Mission. GO, sin no more, in itself is a mission. It’s a challenge to turn away from sin with immediate effect. It requires God’s […]