The Cost and Rewards of Jesus’ Discipleship
Mark 10:28-31 Man is an ambitious creature and proud at that. This is strongly opposite of Jesus’ Key of Redemption, that is gratefulness, humility and love. Scholars often refer to Matthew’s Gospel as the Topsy-Turvy Gospel meaning the Upside Down Gospel. Matthew has taken and expanded what Mark is saying here in verse 31. To […]
Jesus’ Side Is Pierced
John 19:25b-34 This is the climax of the whole crucifixion scene, Jesus sets the relationship between the disciple and His mother and therein initiates the beginning of the church of which we are members in this new family. Jesus called out to John, referred as the beloved disciple whom Jesus loved, he was the […]
When The Holy Spirit Comes He Will Make Them Jesus’ Witnesses
John 15:26-27, 16:12-15 It’s Pentecost Sunday, the Birthday of the Church. However, for most Christians it isn’t a big deal. The Catholic Church is seen more as a relic that’s trying to be relevant in contemporary times. The world offers different views of its own truths that’s influenced by science, personalities, cultures, politics, […]
Jesus And The Beloved Disciple
John 21:20-25 After Jesus had resurrected from death he appeared to his disciples for 40 days in Jerusalem. Before his ascension he commanded his disciples to wait in Jerusalem to receive holy spirit and continue to witness for him in Judea, Samaria and the whole world and his disciples with great joy accepted the […]
Jesus Affirms Peter
John 21:15-19 In today’s passage, we may wonder why Jesus repeated his question, which evidently upset Peter. But every time Jesus asks him, Peter responds affectionately that Jesus knows him well and that he loves him as a friend, more than the other apostles. Jesus then entrusts Peter with a mission for every response. […]
Jesus Prays for the World
John 17:20-26 Jesus teaches us to Pray and prays for Everyone in the world. Jesus’ prayer is for the present, future and also for those in the past. Jesus prays for us that we may be in HIM before He can enter into his passion experience. Jesus prays that we may be united with him […]
Jesus Consecrates His Disciples to the Father
John 17:11b-19 Even as his hour draws near, Jesus makes intercession with His Father, on behalf of his disciples. Protect them, and help them to be beacons of God’s grace in the World. Sanctify them with the Truth… Meaning let their eyes be open to what is right and wrong, according to the Reality […]
Jesus Prays for His Disciples
John 17:1-11a I see Love in everything that Jesus does in this moment, when he is praying for his disciples. He knows that he is going to die very soon, yet he is focussing on two very important relationships. His relationship with God, where paramount is the fact that he has faithful carried out his […]
Believe; In Easy And Difficult Times
John 16:29-33 Jesus continues to prepare the apostles regarding his own suffering and departure. The apostles say that they now understood Jesus when he spoke in simple language and not in parables. Jesus Knows very well that they were still ignorant of what is going to happen to Him and to them. They finally […]
The Ascension of Jesus
Mark 16:15-20 We are called to be missionaries. All of us baptised Christians are called to live the Gospel rather than just preach it. But are we truly children of God? Have we offered sacrifices as tokens of our love during the mass? Are we open to the promptings of the Spirit so that we […]