Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The First Week Of Ordinary Time   Mark 2: 1-12 This passage in Mark’s gospel is the first of the five conflict stories in chapters 2 & 3. Jesus not only teaches with authority, but is also a compassionate healer who heals the sick wherever he goes. […]

The Baptism of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In Christmas Time   Mark 1: 7-11 John the Baptist was going about his task preparing the people, asking them to repent and baptising them in the Jordan. Mark points out that Jesus also joins them, indicating Jesus’ stand to stand with the people and to reveal the […]

The Holy Families Escape To Egypt and Return From Egypt

The Holy Families Escape To Egypt and Return From Egypt

Reflection on the Gospel of the Sixth Day (Friday) In The Octave of Christmas Feast: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph   Matthew 2: 13-15, 19-23 When a child is born, all attention is directed to this new bundle of joy that has come. Every member of the family makes an effort to […]

The Birth of John the Baptist

The Birth of John the Baptist

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Fourth Week Of Advent   Luke 1: 57-66 The story of Elizabeth and Zechariah is also a story of obedience and faith; they were known to be a faithful jewish couple. The Lord rewarded their faithfulness by blessing them with a child who was filled with […]

John the Baptist, Witness to the Truth

John the Baptist, Witness to the Truth

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Third Week Of Advent   John 5: 33-36 Jesus is accused by the Pharisees of breaking the Sabbath as he healed a man on the Sabbath and also called God his Father; a poor and selfish reaction to the great work of healing done by Jesus. […]

Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The First Week Of Advent   Matthew 9: 27-31 Chapter 9 of Matthew’s gospel is an account of the many miracles that Jesus worked during his ministry  in Capernaum. Jesus has just done so many healings along the way, healed the paralytic, met with Matthew the tax […]

The Lesson of the Fig Tree

The Lesson of the Fig Tree

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday Of The Thirty-Fourth Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 21:29-33 Jesus has come to Jerusalem and sees the predictions coming true. While doing his preaching, he predicts the destruction of the temple, the end of the world, the persecutions that will take place etc. This is a part […]

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday Of The Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 19:45-48 Jesus has entered Jerusalem and he is being welcomed as ‘King’.. a King of a different kind – of love and peace, of the poor, tax collectors, the sick etc . He is saddened by current state of […]

The End Days Compared to the Time Before The Flood

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday Of The Thirty-Second Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 17:26-37 This passage possibly can be two sections coming from two different times of Jesus’ ministry that Luke has combined. The First is the reference to Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Jesus the Sign of all Ages  Himself. The Second […]

The Parable of the Dishonest Manager

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday Of The Thirty-First Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 16:1-8 On a first quick reading of the passage, we think there’s something wrong.. why would the master commend the dishonest steward?  But on a closer look, Jesus looks at the quality of prudence in the steward. When we […]