When Jesus Departs He Will Send the Holy Spirit
John 16:5-11 This instructions of Jesus are taking place after the Last Supper. He gives them 4 things to remember. a) He goes and makes possible the coming of God’s Spirit in the midst of God’s People. God’s Abiding Presence will be here on earth, but how many will open their hearts of God, […]
The Role of the Holy Spirit
John 15:26-16:4 Jesus knew that the time was nearing when He would have to depart from the Apostles. With Jesus around them, the Apostles were fearless, complacent and enjoying in his company. This is like when Jesus had answered the question of the Pharisees regarding his Disciples not fasting. Then Jesus had answered, […]
Abiding in Jesus’ Love
John 15:9-17 Enmity with God is the source of all that poisons man. Aren’t we fed up of chasing the world? Will your race to success ever succeed? Can you purchase the secret to living an abundant life with worldly success? No amount of worldly success is going to fill your thirsty soul that […]
The World’s Hatred
John 15:18-21 In today’s gospel Jesus is talking purely about rejection, how his chosen disciples shall be rejected by the world for the sake of his name and teaching. Jesus assures them that He has chosen them from the world to fulfill the heavenly father’s mission. In committing themselves to this mission, they will […]
Jesus’ Commandment: Love One Another As I Have Loved You
John 15:12-17 A Choice is made and a mission given. Jesus gave us the unique commandment of ‘Love’ “Love one another as I have loved you!” He did not just say a sentence, but gave us a mission to love just as the Father loves him and he in turn loves us – unconditionally! […]
Abiding in Jesus’ Love
John 15:9-11 Is the Love of God like human love? Can we truly understand God’s Love from human perspective? God’s Love is described as being steadfast and everlasting, meaning it is unchanging, will never change/fluctuate and will never stop and is is forever. We only need to visit what God promises man, at his […]
Jesus the True Vine
John 15:1-8 I have come across a titbit regarding vineyards. It seems that the rows and rows of vines are got from one single vine which has been cultivated and preserved for generations and generations. This is so that the same quality and taste of the wine remains, and this is why various Wines […]
The Peace of Jesus
John 14:27-31a Peace is experienced in God’s Presence. We definitely experience it when God assures us of his presence and action in our lives, especially when things around us may be a mess. Here is Jesus preparing his disciples for the horror of what is to happen to him and their own fight with the […]
Jesus The Way, The Truth, And The Life
John 14:6-14 The revelation of who Jesus is, his identity, is illustrated in every word in this passage and also the identity of God the Father himself. We also see the desire and doubts of the apostles to know Him more as they just cannot understand the words spoken by Jesus. And Jesus clarifies […]
Jesus the True Vine
John 15:1-8 Bearing fruit in plenty is call given to every disciple. The quality and quantity of fruit yield depends upon nourishment. Jesus is the true vine and we are his branches. The branches will live only if it receives water and minerals absorbed from the roots and transported through the stem of the […]