Jesus’ Side Is Pierced

John 19:31-37 :: Solemnity: The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus   The scene of the cross post the brutal death of our Lord comes alive as we read this passage. The fulfilment of scripture that none of his bones will be broken, is the acknowledgment that the crucified Jesus is the Passover Lamb . Like the […]

Wisdom Concerning Anger

Matthew 5:20-26   Jesus is Wisdom par excellence, and now he will shed his light on many a things starting with anger and follow up with adultery and lust, divorce, oaths. retaliation, love of enemies, Almsgiving and finally prayer & fasting. Jesus is the culmination of all Old Testament Wisdom Literature, and he like Lady […]

The Law and the Prophets

Matthew 5:17-19   The Old Testament Law and prophecies are fulfilled in and through Jesus, because the role of the Old Testament was to slowly reveal Christ. So the Ten Commandments (Law) are not wrong, but indicators to fulfilment in Jesus who come to complete them, not change them. This is the heart of Jesus […]

Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-16 What does it mean to be Salt…? It is providing taste where everything is tasteless. What does it mean to be Light…? It is bringing light to where there is only darkness. What is being contrasted here is a life of meaning and a life meaninglessness. But Jesus is asking us to not […]

The Beatitudes

Matthew 5:1-12   Initially there was no rule and regulation how everyone lived. Everyone was right according to what he believed or wanted to believe. God intervened and gave them what to stay away from, in the form of the Law at Sinai, which we call “The 10 Commandments”, through Moses. Yet in all their […]

Jesus Celebrates The Passover With His Disciples

Mark 16:12-16, 22-26 The sacrifice of Jesus plays an important role in Salvation History. We are saved because Jesus gave his sinless body and pure sacred blood on the cross. Jesus became our Passover Lamb to free us from the bondage of all our sins just like the lambs that were sacrificed by the Israelites […]

The Service of the Scribes Vs. The Widow’s Offering

Mark 12:38-44   Throughout Jesus public ministry Pharisees , Sadducees, Scribes, the Chief Priest and elders of synagogue opposed him and tried to find out faults in his teaching. Jesus’ ministry was to reveal the truth and explain the essence of the Commandments given by God the Father. Jesus was fully focused towards this in […]

The Question about David’s Son

Mark 12:35-37   Traditions, practices, stories are used to pass down learnings and wisdom from one generation to the other. This was a popular practice even in Jesus ‘ time, in fact, most teachings were  oral.  Even Jesus preached and  broke the Word of God to his followers in simple terms so that they could […]

The First Commandment

Mark 12:28b-34   As an act of faith Israelites prayed the Shema prayer twice a day, they knew the Law inside out and were good in practices of rituals. Jesus blends his Response to the question asked on the first commandants, He combines the traditional Shema prayer, Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, […]

The Question about the Resurrection

Mark 12:18-27   Indeed Yahweh is God of the Living, since he himself is the source of all Life and Goodness. He has created each one of us, and he wants us before him. Death within this only means, if we should choose to keep away from the source of light and life, is like […]