Feeding on God’s Word

Feeding on God’s Word is what really satisfies us. It is the source of baptismal conversion, since the Spirit takes what Jesus taught and preached, and through it opens our understanding to the ways and heart of God.

Be Opened!

Reading today’s Gospel Reading, we should desire with all our heart that the blindness of our eyes, the deafness in our ears and the coldness of our heart go away. Just as Jesus blessed this deaf person, we need to ask God that our senses be restored fully, also.

With All Heart, Mind and Being

Solomon was blessed, yet he faded away, why so? Because he let the gift become the center of his life. As a result pride and hunger for power set in and corrupted him. True wisdom is at God’s feet, made available, enough to fill the day, just like manna.


Troubles we know are part of life. But how to do we look at them? Are they good or bad? To understand them we need to understand who God Is. He is good and right and correct. He is responsible for creation and the world around us remaining into existence and moving along.

The Heart of the Matter

 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might…”

Jehovah Rophe – Our God Heals

Jesus is God, and for the love of humanity became incarnate and dwelt with humanity and became human. And to be associated with God means to have fullness. And that is what we see in todays Gospel reading.

Burden Bearer

Job in the First Reading is expressing the condition of humanity, post the fall of Adam and Eve, and it echoes God’s analysis/narration of what the life of Adam and Eve and their descendants would be because of the fall.


King Solomon is remembered for his Wisdom and today’s First Reading tells us how he asked for Wisdom from God; and no only was he granted wisdom, but earthly wealth also. I will say it was earthly wisdom that is spoken of here, because he wanted to excel in governing the people.

The Visitation

Genesis starts with a tragedy and a promise. Malachi the last book of the Old Testament, in the First Reading speaks of not giving up on the promise God gave in Genesis. ‘Very soon,’ says Malachi, God is bent on fulfilling His promise. A herald will go before the redemption, and God Himself will come. […]


All Authority comes from God and it needs to be utilised in accordance with God’s will and desire. This David understood well in his lifetime. Hence he did not try to usurp Saul’s Kingship, when it was in his power to do so. He waited on God to enable it for him.