The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

With All Heart, Mind and Being

Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
1 Kgs 11:4-13
Responsorial Psalm
PS 106:3-4, 35-36, 37 and 40
Jas 1:21bc
Mk 7:24-30
Mass of choice

Solomon was blessed, yet he faded away, why so? Because he let the gift become the center of his life. As a result pride and hunger for power set in and corrupted him. True wisdom is at God’s feet, made available, enough to fill the day, just like manna.

Jesus as man, also goes about life as any other man. He seeks wisdom for the day from God, each day. At times He is told things in advance, as how to handle them, when they come. Example to this being the transfiguration where he is instructed about his passion, death and resurrection, in advance. At other times, things are revealed when required.

At the wedding at Cana, He knows that He needs to wait on the Father, as to when He should start His work. So His first reaction to His mother, when she asks Him to meet the need of the Hosts, is to tell her, the time is not yet for Him to begin His work. Yet even as He says this, He sees the Father working through Mary to tell Him that the time has begun…

Today’s Gospel reading is another such moment. He knows His primary role is to proclaim to the children of Abraham, yet He finds the Father opening closed doors, showing Him, that the Gospel now can be shared with all…

What is the desire of your being? To please yourself, or to please others or please God or to please God with all your heart, mind and being. Those that desire God, will be satisfied and will find answers/wisdom for their lives all around them.

Bible Verse For Today​

Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.

Occasion of the Day

Saint Jerome Emiliani
Saint Josephine Bakhita

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

With All Heart, Mind and Being

Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
1 Kgs 11:4-13
Responsorial Psalm
PS 106:3-4, 35-36, 37 and 40
Jas 1:21bc
Mk 7:24-30
Mass of choice

Solomon was blessed, yet he faded away, why so? Because he let the gift become the center of his life. As a result pride and hunger for power set in and corrupted him. True wisdom is at God’s feet, made available, enough to fill the day, just like manna.

Jesus as man, also goes about life as any other man. He seeks wisdom for the day from God, each day. At times He is told things in advance, as how to handle them, when they come. Example to this being the transfiguration where he is instructed about his passion, death and resurrection, in advance. At other times, things are revealed when required.

At the wedding at Cana, He knows that He needs to wait on the Father, as to when He should start His work. So His first reaction to His mother, when she asks Him to meet the need of the Hosts, is to tell her, the time is not yet for Him to begin His work. Yet even as He says this, He sees the Father working through Mary to tell Him that the time has begun…

Today’s Gospel reading is another such moment. He knows His primary role is to proclaim to the children of Abraham, yet He finds the Father opening closed doors, showing Him, that the Gospel now can be shared with all…

What is the desire of your being? To please yourself, or to please others or please God or to please God with all your heart, mind and being. Those that desire God, will be satisfied and will find answers/wisdom for their lives all around them.

Bible Verse For Today​

Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.

Saints Today

Saint Jerome Emiliani
Saint Josephine Bakhita
© 2023