The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Feeding on God’s Word

Memorial of Saint Scholastica, Virgin
Reading 1
1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34
Responsorial Psalm
PS 106:6-7ab, 19-20, 21-22
Mt 4:4b
Mk 8:1-10
Mass of Memorial

Feeding on God’s Word is what really satisfies us. It is the source of baptismal conversion, since the Spirit takes what Jesus taught and preached, and through it opens our understanding to the ways and heart of God.

Jeroboam was insecure; he did not have understanding nor knowledge, to have the desire to pursue Yahweh. Yet in yesterday’s reflection we saw Yahweh reached out to him, to acquaint Jeroboam to Himself. But Jeroboam did not pursue that invitation. Therefore, he is unable to understand the ethos left behind by David, but rather becomes insecure because of it. Apart from that, he also does not understand that the God who put him on the throne of Northern Israel, would protect and keep him safe and prosper Him and His dynasty. Result – he leads Israel into worship of the bulls – whom he identifies as Yahweh. This is the same sin that the Israelites did at Sinai; identifying Yahweh as a creature and worshiping the created.

Jesus we know was the eternal Word incarnate, yet as human, He learnt to read, study and reflect on God’s Word, with God. Because of this He prospered, in His relationship to God and those around Him. In today’s reading, He has just finished feeding/teaching the crowd of 4000, on God’s Word. Now sensitive to their need, as would the Father in heaven be, He feeds them on bread.

This is not something assigned for Biblical Times, but is/and can be a reality today. But first, we need to be transformed by God’s Word, to know Him intimately and understand the beating of His heart.

Bible Verse For Today​

One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.

Occasion of the Day

Saint Scholastica

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Feeding on God’s Word

Memorial of Saint Scholastica, Virgin
Reading 1
1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34
Responsorial Psalm
PS 106:6-7ab, 19-20, 21-22
Mt 4:4b
Mk 8:1-10
Mass of Memorial

Feeding on God’s Word is what really satisfies us. It is the source of baptismal conversion, since the Spirit takes what Jesus taught and preached, and through it opens our understanding to the ways and heart of God.

Jeroboam was insecure; he did not have understanding nor knowledge, to have the desire to pursue Yahweh. Yet in yesterday’s reflection we saw Yahweh reached out to him, to acquaint Jeroboam to Himself. But Jeroboam did not pursue that invitation. Therefore, he is unable to understand the ethos left behind by David, but rather becomes insecure because of it. Apart from that, he also does not understand that the God who put him on the throne of Northern Israel, would protect and keep him safe and prosper Him and His dynasty. Result – he leads Israel into worship of the bulls – whom he identifies as Yahweh. This is the same sin that the Israelites did at Sinai; identifying Yahweh as a creature and worshiping the created.

Jesus we know was the eternal Word incarnate, yet as human, He learnt to read, study and reflect on God’s Word, with God. Because of this He prospered, in His relationship to God and those around Him. In today’s reading, He has just finished feeding/teaching the crowd of 4000, on God’s Word. Now sensitive to their need, as would the Father in heaven be, He feeds them on bread.

This is not something assigned for Biblical Times, but is/and can be a reality today. But first, we need to be transformed by God’s Word, to know Him intimately and understand the beating of His heart.

Bible Verse For Today​

One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.

Saints Today

Saint Scholastica
© 2023