Jesus Again Foretells His Death

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Fifth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 9: 43b-45 In Jesus preaching, teaching and healing many people were astonished and followed him. Many were become his disciples and served him as they saw glorious Jesus in Jerusalem among traitor, however Jesus very much clearly explained his […]
Jesus Calls Nathaniel

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Twenty-Fifth Week Of Ordinary Time The Feast of the Archangels John 1: 47-51 In today’s gospel Jesus meets Nathanael who is from Cana in Galilee. Cana was the place where Jesus worked his first miracle. Nathanael was most likely studying or teaching the Torah under the […]
Herods Perplexity

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-Fifth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 9: 7-9 “John I beheaded; but who is this about whom I hear such things?” Herod, despite the fact that he had beheaded John the Baptist, had a guilty conscience and was not at ease with himself. The good […]
The Mission of the Twelve

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Twenty-Fifth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 9: 1-6 In the previous chapter, there are a whole lot of significant things mentioned: Women Accompany Jesus, The Parable of the Sower, Purpose of Parables, Parable of the Lamp under a Jar, Jesus’ true family, Jesus calming the […]
The True Kindred of Jesus

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Twenty-Fifth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 8: 19-21 In today’s Gospel, we would naturally assume that Jesus would give first place to his family. But with one sentence ‘my mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and put it into […]
The Laborers in the Vineyard

Reflection on the Gospel of the Twenty-Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time Matthew 20: 1-16 In the Gospel parable of the workers in the Lord’s vineyard Jesus gives us a glimpse of God’s generous love that’s often misunderstood by the workers. The aim of the parable is to respond to God’s love as soon as […]
The Parable of the Sower

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Fourth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 8: 4-15 Most of Jesus teachings are in the form of parable. Except John gospel remaining all the 3 Gospels have parable of Jesus. Jesus audiences are poor and common people as per their capable of understand Jesus teach […]
Some Women Accompany Jesus

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Twenty-Fourth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 8: 1-3 In today’s gospel, Luke presents Jesus as an itinerant preacher travelling in the company of the Twelve and of the Galilean women who are sustaining them out of their means. These Galilean women will later accompany Jesus […]
The Call of Matthew

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-Fourth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 9: 9-13 “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” Jesus calls Mathew, the tax collector to follow him, and He chose him as his disciple. After that Jesus visits a tax […]
Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Twenty-Fourth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 7: 1-10 The Jews prided their racial purity, and it was drilled into them to maintain this purity after coming back from their Babylonian Exile. This they assumed because their had not kept everything Moses had instructed them to […]