True Blessedness

True Blessedness

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Seventh Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 11: 27-28 Throughout Jesus ministry life people were amazed and praised him for his marvellous deeds and work. Many were praised heavenly Father for the sake of Jesus. Many scholars and scribes denied to accept the act of Jesus. […]

True Blessedness

True Blessedness

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Fifth Week Of Easter   Luke 11: 27-28 Jesus’ ministry in the world can be divided into 3 categories viz, Preaching, Teaching, Healing. Through his preaching many people came to Jesus and believed in Him; his preaching brought changes in the lives of people. As the […]

True Blessedness

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday Of The Twenty-Seventh Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 11:27-28 Through Jesus teaching, preaching and healing huge crowd were attracted towards him. Wherever Jesus go a huge crowd followed him. Few people were followed and become his disciples thus Jesus had men and women disciples. Few people become […]

True Blessedness

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Seventh Week In Ordinary Time Luke 11:27-28 Jesus throughout his life had done great mighty and marvellous deed in the world. Many times people were astonished by his deeds and praised God but in today’s gospel passage a woman from the crowd praised Jesus’s mother and […]

True Blessedness

Luke 11:27-28 Faith is not an overnight process. For the matter of fact neither was St. Paul’s transformation on the Road to Damascus an event of a single instant, which is describes as a fall. It was a journey that happened, and probably the seed were sown at the stoning of St. Stephen. Mary’s greatness […]