Jesus Stills a Storm

Jesus Stills a Storm

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Third Week Of Ordinary Time   Mark 4: 35-41 Jesus after finished his preaching,  he asked his disciples to move ahead to build gods kingdom in other side of the sea. Ie. Moving from comfort zone. As they were sailing the boat Jesus was observing them […]

Jesus Stills a Storm

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday Of The Third Week In Ordinary Time Mark 4:35-41 Jesus after finishing his preaching, teaching and healing in Galilee, he started moving towards gentile people. Jesus asked his disciples to arrange a boat and move to the other side of the sea. The Disciples during this journey were […]

Jesus Stills a Storm

Mark 4:35-41 Today’s Gospel is certainly the most dramatic of scenes. Jesus has just finished teaching and is seeking to relax somewhere away from the crowds. He decides to sail across the sea with His disciples knowing very well that a terrible storm will be brewing shortly. That’s right, Jesus being God knows of the […]