In today’s First Reading, things that stood out for me are;
- …no razor shall touch his head.
- Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved, and her voice was not heard.
- for all along I have been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation.
- Then the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.
The first point speaks of Samuel as one who had a lifelong Nazorean Oath, just like Samson. We hardly speak of this part of dedication to Yahweh. But it makes sense in the context of what Hannah promises Yahweh, ‘will give to your servant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life…‘
The second brings to the fore the importance of how to approach God. It is not shouts, eagerness, excitement that moves God, but a conversation one strike with Him with ones heart. We can always approach Him, but as He says, He desires a contrite heart, a heart that desires Him, a heat that is open to Him and engages Him in earnestness.
The Third Point show and assures us that we can approach God as a friend, pouring to Him all our sorrows. There is no protocol required, but a heart that is open to Him.
The fourth points Hannah’s conviction an belief in God; she knew God had heard her prayer, and now she was assured and did not dwell in sorrow, but went about her life and work assured of God’s Blessing. In light of this aspect of Hannah, her approaching God and praying the way she does, becomes more depth to her relationship with God.
Jesus has a relationship with Yahweh like Hannah’s; one of the Heart. And He radiates God’s life in him. And an unclean recognises this. He shudders, and knows he has to listen to Him, because He has authority from God the Father. Just like Joseph from the Old testament was given authority over Egypt by the Pharaoh.
Todays readings are reassuring, they give us hope and confidence, we too can approach God in all Confidence. Try Him.