The Grain of Wheat & Fruit

The Grain of Wheat & Fruit

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Eighteenth Week Of Ordinary Time   John 12: 24-26 If any one serves me, he must follow me… Grain, Wheat, Fruit, Jesus used simple daily used and seen/understood words, to explain his mission and also our service in His kingdom. We serve the Lord by our […]

The Canaanite Woman’s Faith

The Canaanite Woman’s Faith

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Eighteenth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 15: 21-28 Dear family in Christ we have the sermon on the Mount where Jesus tells us to walk the extra mile along with our friends or family to be blessed and to become more like our Heavenly Father […]

The Tradition of the Elders and The Things That Defile

The Tradition of the Elders and The Things That Defile

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Eighteenth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 15: 1-2, 10-14 In today’s gospel by stating ‘what enters into the mouth does not make a person unclean, but what comes out of his mouth may defile him’, Jesus was not only referring to food, but all the […]

Feeding the Five Thousand

Feeding the Five Thousand

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Eighteenth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 14: 13-21 I have over the years marvelled at the truth of this statement – unless a man show me. it speaks of the reality of humanity. Humanity is blind leading the blind, in the sense that unless we […]

The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration

Reflection on the Gospel of the Sunday of THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST   Matthew 17: 1b-9 The transfiguration of our Lord. It’s a feast the Church celebrates for a reason. A revelation of Jesus’ divinity to Peter, James and John. The moment of being present in the Divine Presence of Jesus, the […]

The Death of John the Baptist

The Death of John the Baptist

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Seventeeth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 14: 1-12 From the beginning onwards God continuously sending his prophets, priest and servants to lead his chosen people.  Whenever these chosen people astray from Gods way of life then He condemn them  through prophets. John the Baptist was […]

The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth

The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Seventeeth Week Of Ordinary Time Memorial: St. John Marie Vianney Matthew 13: 54-58 In today’s Gospel Jesus comes to his own hometown, Nazareth and began to teach the people in their synagogue. In a close-knit village, everyone presumes to know everything about Jesus, yet he startles […]

The Teacher

The Teacher

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Seventeeth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 13: 47-53 The peak/highlight of St. Matthew’s Gospel is Chapter 13. Here he has explained the King and the Kingdom completely. If you understand this chapter, you understand the message of Matthew’s Gospel. One of the themes that Matthew […]

The Treasure Beyond Measure

The Treasure Beyond Measure

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Seventeenth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 13: 44-46 What are the things in your life that you value? List all of those on paper. It is definitely not wrong to value things, but there is a little catch, ‘do you trust God?’; and if so, […]

Jesus Explains the Parable of the Weeds

Jesus Explains the Parable of the Weeds

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Seventeeth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 13: 36-43 God is nothing to do with condemnation. He after all is love. And love defines  that there is always the option for redemption, and God gives it to us. Be we children by our actions/choice/living, of this […]