See and Believe

The theme in this section of the gospel text is of the replacement of the OT feasts. Jesus presents himself as the true Light of the World, the spring of Living Water, the Good Shepherd. The jews cannot easily understand this and are divided in their opinion about him. At the festival of Dedication, the jews are pushing him to confirm if he was the Messiah and Jesus confirms that all his works are a testimony to the fact that ‘he and the Father are one’.
Eternal Life

Whoever keeps my word will never see death. Jesus here speaks not of the experience of bodily death, but we will be saved from spiritual death. Jesus promises us the gift of eternal life. Jesus claims “Before Abraham was, I AM”. Jesus is one with God, Jesus is God. He has neither beginning nor end.
Abraham A True Disciple

Discipleship is a way of life. Our Hindu brethren have guru’s, people they take inspiration/instructions to live their day to day life. Discipleships in Jesus’ time, on the other hand entailed the disciple to leave his home, and take up residence with the Teacher. St. Paul was from Tarsus, and had come all the way to Jerusalem to take residence with Gamaliel his Teacher, and wait on him and serve him.
Jesus Foretells His Death

In today’s gospel reading what I would like to draw our attention to is Jesus’ relationship with the Father. It’s only John the evangelist that highlights this unique and intimate relationship Jesus has with Yahweh, that of with Abba Father and Jesus as Son.
Jesus the Light of the World

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Fifth Week Of Lent John 8: 12-20 The above passage spoken by Jesus, was not only difficult for the Pharisees to understand but blasphemy. They were so rigid that they were not willing to accept Jesus’ identity as their messiah for whom they have been […]
Jesus Resurrection and Life

Reflection on the Gospel of the Fifth Sunday Of Lent John 11: 1-45 In today’s gospel we note that Jesus doesn’t rush to heal his friend, Lazarus even though he is seriously ill. Jesus waits and visits the family 4 days after Lazarus is placed in the tomb. Why did Jesus wait for so […]
The Birth of Jesus Foretold

Reflection on the Gospel of the THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD (Friday in the Fourth Week of Lent) Luke 1: 26-38 Today our Mother church celebrate annunciation of the Lord. It is a call narrative of Mary and her mission in the history of salvation. God the Father sent an invitation through the angel […]
Is This the Christ

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Fourth Week Of Lent John 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30 The background of this passage is the festival of Tabernacles. Jesus is in Galilee and is in hiding as the Jews were seeking to kill him. The Jewish feasts, as practiced by the Jews of Jesus […]
Jesus the New Moses

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Fourth Week Of Lent John 5: 31-47 Jesus is divine and human, Jesus is also our Lord and Saviour and todays scripture reading helps us understand and testify to Jesus’s Lordship. The Old Testament needed atleast two witnesses or testimonies to prove a claim or […]
The Authority of the Son

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Fourth Week Of Lent John 5: 17-30 God, Son, and sons Private limited. Good morning my family in Jesus. If you are not a partner in the above company then all you have earned and achieved is a waste. In today’s gospel, we hear Jesus […]