The Chosen :: Season2 Episode 3: Matthew 4:24

The episode opens with Matthew’s desire to know the word of God. He enquires of Philip from where can he begin the Torah. A beautiful exchange of dialogue with Philip reveals to us that to know God, we must believe that he is present here, now and in our hearts. We on the other hand […]
The Word Became Flesh

Reflection on the Gospel of the Seventh Day (Saturday) In The Octave of Christmas John 1: 1-18 Reading of the last day of the year takes us to the beginning of time. In the beginning when God created the heaven and earth, the earth was formless void and darkness. God commanded let there be […]
The Holy Families Escape To Egypt and Return From Egypt

Reflection on the Gospel of the Sixth Day (Friday) In The Octave of Christmas Feast: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Matthew 2: 13-15, 19-23 When a child is born, all attention is directed to this new bundle of joy that has come. Every member of the family makes an effort to […]
The Chosen :: Season2 Episode 2: I Saw You

The episode opens with Nathaniel losing his job and later he sits under a fig tree to pray. In his prayer he pours out his heart and tells God that his work was an offering to Him, he requests God to answer his prayer and give the reason as to why he lost his job, […]
Jesus Is Presented in the Temple

Reflection on the Gospel of the Fifth Day (Thursday) In The Octave of Christmas Luke 2: 22-35 The Saviour was born, the dreams, the angel appearances and the immediate events had already unveiled the role Mother Mary and St Joseph’s would have in Salvation History. Yet they remained humble and obeyed every Instruction and […]
The Escape to Egypt and The Massacre of the Infants

Reflection on the Gospel of the Fourth Day (Wednesday) In The Octave of Christmas Matthew 2: 13-18 God is Good all the time and, All the time God is good. If this is true then why were these innocent children slaughtered? Did God take a break after the incarnation of His only begotten son […]
The Chosen :: Season2 Episode 1: Thunder

The episode opens with the Apostle John interacting with the other disciples and Mary to record their memories of Jesus. When you look back, he met each one of them when they were seeking God, when they were miserable and seeking the Lord for help in their troubled lives, when they had given up! It […]
The Disciples Discover Jesus’ Ressurection

Reflection on the Gospel of the Third Day (Tuesday) In The Octave of Christmas Feast St. John the Apostle & Evangelist John 20: 2-8 Today we celebrate the feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, also known as the beloved disciple of Jesus. Wow, Jesus had a favourite disciple! Who among us wants to […]
Disciples of Jesus Will Be Persecuted

Reflection on the Gospel of the Second Day(Monday) In The Octave of Christmas The Martyrdom of St. Stephen Matthew 10: 17-22 To hear this passage immediately after Christmas does not sound too good, persecution for the followers of Jesus. In this passage Jesus is preparing and warning his disciples after the time of His […]
The Birth of Jesus the Messiah

Reflection on the Gospel of the THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST John 1: 1-18 Today is Joyous and a day to remember, God has shown His love and care of us by sharing in our humanity, so we can appreciate, learn and share in His divinity. Jesus the Word, God and source […]