A Tree and Its Fruit – Foundations

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday Of The Twenty-Third Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 6:43-49 Psalm 1; speaks and compares a good person to a tree planted near flowing waters like a stream or river, always receiving fresh water, and yielding fruit in proper season, and has freshness at all times and in […]

The Spec and Log in the Eye

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday Of The Twenty-Third Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 6:39-42 When you point a finger at your neighbour, there are three pointing back at you!  We have heard this saying very often, a reminder to first reflect on our own actions, before we find fault in others. In […]

The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday Of The Twenty-Third Week In Ordinary Time (Feast: The Nativity of The Blessed Virgin Mary)   Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23 “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” (v.23) Mary’s obedience to the will of God opens the door for our […]

Blessings and Woes

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday Of The Twenty-Third Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 6:20-26 True blessedness is to know the Truth, because it sets you on the path of true Freedom. For me, Truth is no one but Jesus Christ Himself. The teachings and demands he makes of his disciples are very […]

Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday Of The Twenty-Third Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 6:12-19 The context of this Gospel Passage is being sent out as God’s heralds and God’s image bearer’s. And this is our identity as Christians, we are all sent out. But rewind back a minute, but before living the […]

The Parable of the Talents & The Judgment

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday Of The Twenty-Third Week In Ordinary Time   Matthew 25:3-46 This chapter is a couple of days before the Passover and Jesus’ arrest.  Only his disciples were with him not the crowd. After talking about the tribulations and signs that would follow in the days to come, Jesus […]

The Cost of Discipleship

Reflection on the Gospel of the Twenty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time   Luke 14:25-33 The key points of reflection from today’s Gospel are: Most of the individuals in the large crowds who followed Jesus could have selfish motives. Seeking a miracle, being curious or just following the herd. They heard Jesus but weren’t making a […]

The Question about the Sabbath

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday Of The Twenty-Second Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 6:1-5 Israel’s revered ancestor David was highly regarded. He was a man after God’s own heart. Someone who with all his faults and failings, was much cherished and held in high regard as prophet, king and priest. At the […]

The Question about Fasting

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday Of The Twenty-Second Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 5:33-39 Jesus answers yet another tricky question with ease but with meaning. He presents himself as the bridegroom, an image which was used for ‘God’ himself in the Old testament. His mission of repentance and reconciliation is the feast […]

The Chosen :: Season1 Episode 8: Invitations

The episode begins with the scene of Jacob and his sons searching digging for water and building wells. Later we will this scene being linked to Jesus. I loved the depiction of the scene of a dinner party that Jesus attends, at the home of one of his disciples house and the mention of Holy […]