Jesus Denounces Scribes and Pharisees

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twentieth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 23:1-12   Each and every religion has its own teaching of faith. Accordingly they have teachers, pandits and gurus to teach their community. Similarly. the Jewish community had Rabbi’s who taught and explained the Law of Moses. The Rabbis interpret […]

The Greatest Commandment

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Twentieth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 22:34-40   Jesus always went back to basics in his teachings. The commandment of ‘Love’ is one such foundation on which God created the earth and his most beautiful creation of Man and Woman. Creation which embodies & speaks about […]

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twentieth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 22:1-14 God welcomes us into his kingdom.. many are called, but few are chosen.” But to reach this stage, let us reflect on the previous two stages, first to be prepared and second, do not grieve. Be prepared for the […]

The Laborers in the Vineyard

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Twentieth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 20:1-16a   Let’s break down a key concept in this passage. For the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. The key to this passage is the […]

On How One Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Nineteenth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 19:23-30 This statement of Jesus is very difficult to understand in its complete sense, because of the words used and the illustration of the camel and the eye of a needle, that Jesus uses. But we have to look at […]

The Rich Young Man

Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Nineteenth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 19:16-22   If everyone on earth will understand the above passage, this world would be a perfect place to live in.  I don’t think that the above conversation is difficult to interpret as it clearly tells us the message that […]

Mary Visits Elizabeth

Reflection on the Gospel of the The Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Luke 1:39-56   In today’s Gospel, Luke’s literary art displays lovely encounter between two strong women. Here he brings characters from the two annunciation accounts together. There is no significant action (Mary goes and returns), only dialogue, but the result is a sense of […]

Jesus Blesses Little Children

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Nineteenth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 19:13-15 The Gospel of Matthew is also called as the Gospel of Parables because it has the most teaching of Jesus in parables. many of the people during Jesus period were poor, helpless, weary, uneducated and had lack of sophisticated […]

The Pharisees Test Jesus on the Subject of Divorce

Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Nineteenth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 19:3-12 The Pharisees  never tired of trying to trap or trick Jesus with their twisted intentions, but Jesus always responded with very fundamental responses. The tricky question of divorce is thrown at Jesus to check which Jewish school of thought […]

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Nineteenth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 18:23-19:1 We are blessed to be part of the Church, and the Church has its unique position in imparting God’s graces, one of which is administering the Seven sacraments. Some of the sacraments are are repetitive, while others like Baptism, […]