The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Truth, Clarity and Choice

Saturday of the Third Week of Easter
Reading 1
Acts 9:31-42
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17
John 6:63c, 68c
John 6:60-69
Easter Preface • Mass of Easter Weekday
H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.04.20 - SaturdayImagesTruth_Clarity_and_Choice_wp.jpg

Today’s Gospel speaks of Jesus the Truth, who can and will bring clarity and peace wherever invited. He will not force himself on people. That is where the choice comes in. Are we interested in growing in the truth and in receiving clarity and peace in our lives, then we need to believe and come to Jesus with a believing heart.

There were many of Jesus’ disciples who grew  with Jesus teachings. But this teaching was extra difficult to accept. It asked the believer to dine on Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood. Probably they understood Jesus was talking covenantal language of dining on the sacrificial animal, to finalise on the Covenant. Meaning He was offering himself as the sacrificial animal, but eating human flesh, was abhorrent and scripture forbade drinking of blood. But many of Jesus’ disciples jumped the gun, and went away and left Him. Peter’s response to Jesus’ inquiry if they too, i.e. the Apostles also would like to leave, needs to be understood.

Peter testifies with these words that, they began following Him, because they understood that He was the Messiah, over time they had come to receive clarity and conviction about this. They had grown with Him, and now they trusted Him. So even though they did not understand Jesus’ present words completely, they had grown in trust of Him. And they knew, though these words sounded dangerous, they would in the end have profound impact on their lives. This is faith; coming to grow in belief and trust of Jesus in small things, and based on this our experience, display our faith in Him, by clinging to Him, when things are difficult and trying in our lives. Maybe even asking us to give up on Him.

Seek those small experiences to grown in your belief of God.

Bible Verse For Today​

Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life.

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Truth, Clarity and Choice

Saturday of the Third Week of Easter
Reading 1
Acts 9:31-42
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17
John 6:63c, 68c
John 6:60-69
Easter Preface • Mass of Easter Weekday
H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.04.20 - SaturdayImagesTruth_Clarity_and_Choice_wp.jpg

Today’s Gospel speaks of Jesus the Truth, who can and will bring clarity and peace wherever invited. He will not force himself on people. That is where the choice comes in. Are we interested in growing in the truth and in receiving clarity and peace in our lives, then we need to believe and come to Jesus with a believing heart.

There were many of Jesus’ disciples who grew  with Jesus teachings. But this teaching was extra difficult to accept. It asked the believer to dine on Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood. Probably they understood Jesus was talking covenantal language of dining on the sacrificial animal, to finalise on the Covenant. Meaning He was offering himself as the sacrificial animal, but eating human flesh, was abhorrent and scripture forbade drinking of blood. But many of Jesus’ disciples jumped the gun, and went away and left Him. Peter’s response to Jesus’ inquiry if they too, i.e. the Apostles also would like to leave, needs to be understood.

Peter testifies with these words that, they began following Him, because they understood that He was the Messiah, over time they had come to receive clarity and conviction about this. They had grown with Him, and now they trusted Him. So even though they did not understand Jesus’ present words completely, they had grown in trust of Him. And they knew, though these words sounded dangerous, they would in the end have profound impact on their lives. This is faith; coming to grow in belief and trust of Jesus in small things, and based on this our experience, display our faith in Him, by clinging to Him, when things are difficult and trying in our lives. Maybe even asking us to give up on Him.

Seek those small experiences to grown in your belief of God.

Bible Verse For Today​

Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life.
© 2023