Truth, Clarity and Choice

H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.04.20 - SaturdayImagesTruth_Clarity_and_Choice_wp.jpg

Today’s Gospel speaks of Jesus the Truth, who can and will bring clarity and peace wherever invited.

The Words of Eternal Life

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Third Week Of Easter John 6:60-69 Jesus teaching was very powerful in words and deeds for what he taught he practiced the same in his life. Jesus taught his disciples and common people with authority unlike the Pharisees and scribes in the synagogue. Many miracles and […]

The Words of Eternal Life

Reflection on the Gospel of the Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time John 6:60-69 Bread, it sustains us but does it ever satisfy the hunger? It does calm the hungry stomach for a little while until you find yourself hungry again. Well, bread is like our needs, wants and desires. Our needs are essential while our […]

Bread from Heaven: The Words of Eternal Life

John 6:60-69 Jesus started his public ministry with teaching and preaching. Many of them were attracted by Jesus’ powerful teaching and followed him. Jesus had many followers, disciples and 12 apostles. One fine day Jesus was teaching to his disciples on subject life giving bread after listening to his teaching many of them left him […]