The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

The Revelation of the Children of God

Christmas Weekday
Or Reading 1
Philippians 2:6-11
Or Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 8:4-5,6-7,8-9
Or Gospel
Luke 2:21-24
Reading 1
1 John 2:29–3:6
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 98:1, 3CD-4, 5-6
John 1:14A, 12A
John 1:29-34
Epiphany • Pf Nat • Proper Mass

There are two sets of readings for tomorrow; one is the regular reading, and the other being an optional reading to commemorate the naming of Jesus. Both are sets are beautiful in sync, talking of the Children of God and God’s Son.

The normal First reading speaks of those who are the children of God, exactly all of us, but do we accept this or consciously and in action, distance ourselves from God. Thus we show those around if we are Gods, or just like them, belonging to the world. A child is a proper representation of who his/her parents are. And as such, he always, through the way he/her carries self in society, reveals more of the parents. Like the evangelist John says, the fruits of parenthood are noticeable in the Children, look at them and you will know. Those belonging to God will always exhibit the nature of God in them, and thus others will believe.

The Alleluia amplifies this further; “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.”

So ultimately it is not in God’s hands, in a way of saying, He may help us in all ways, but he cannot help us with the final step, that needs to come from us. We need to express it, we need to desire it, we need to want it, and we need to need it.

The Normal Gospel of the day speaks of John the Baptist pointing out Jesus and recognising Him as the Saviour/Christ – The Lamb of God, who would unite humanity with God. The remarkable and noticeable thing here is what John tells us, of how he gained this knowledge. He say God whispered in his ears and told of that the Holy Spirit will come upon the Christ. John further recognises the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove alighting on Jesus. Was John blessed in a special way to be able to hear God speaking to him, or recognise the Holy Spirit. Na, this is available to all God’s Children, for surely God desire to be part of our lives and strike a conversation with us.

The Special First Reading (Philippians) speaks of Jesus pleasing the God-Father fully and completely; and therefore in turn exalting Jesus to take charge of creation under Him, just like Joseph of the Old Testament was exalted by Pharaoh, to rule over Egypt, under him. But it also speaks of Jesus’ humility and accepting the paths God lead Him through. I presume Jesus undertook everything as is echoed by Psalm 23 – where he is totally dependent, trusting and confident in God in all ways, therefore not fearing anything, but trusting His father. In such a relationship, the words of the Our Father, speaks to us, and invites us to call God – Our Father.

Then Psalm 8 speaks of God’s love of Humanity and steadfast cherishing it beyond anything else, that gave birth to creation.

Finally, the Special Gospel speaks of He who should not be named, the Great I Am of the Old Testament, on the Eight Day, like his loved humanity, being given a Name – Jesus. At this name, says, Philippians, all knees bow and revere the creator God who became man, to lead blind humanity like a shepherd leading his flock to drink of the wellspring of Eternal Life.


Bible Verse For Today​

The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us.
To those who accepted him
he gave power to become the children of God.

Occasion of the Day

The Most Holy Name of Jesus

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

The Revelation of the Children of God

Christmas Weekday
Or Reading 1
Philippians 2:6-11
Or Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 8:4-5,6-7,8-9
Or Gospel
Luke 2:21-24
Reading 1
1 John 2:29–3:6
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 98:1, 3CD-4, 5-6
John 1:14A, 12A
John 1:29-34
Epiphany • Pf Nat • Proper Mass

There are two sets of readings for tomorrow; one is the regular reading, and the other being an optional reading to commemorate the naming of Jesus. Both are sets are beautiful in sync, talking of the Children of God and God’s Son.

The normal First reading speaks of those who are the children of God, exactly all of us, but do we accept this or consciously and in action, distance ourselves from God. Thus we show those around if we are Gods, or just like them, belonging to the world. A child is a proper representation of who his/her parents are. And as such, he always, through the way he/her carries self in society, reveals more of the parents. Like the evangelist John says, the fruits of parenthood are noticeable in the Children, look at them and you will know. Those belonging to God will always exhibit the nature of God in them, and thus others will believe.

The Alleluia amplifies this further; “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.”

So ultimately it is not in God’s hands, in a way of saying, He may help us in all ways, but he cannot help us with the final step, that needs to come from us. We need to express it, we need to desire it, we need to want it, and we need to need it.

The Normal Gospel of the day speaks of John the Baptist pointing out Jesus and recognising Him as the Saviour/Christ – The Lamb of God, who would unite humanity with God. The remarkable and noticeable thing here is what John tells us, of how he gained this knowledge. He say God whispered in his ears and told of that the Holy Spirit will come upon the Christ. John further recognises the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove alighting on Jesus. Was John blessed in a special way to be able to hear God speaking to him, or recognise the Holy Spirit. Na, this is available to all God’s Children, for surely God desire to be part of our lives and strike a conversation with us.

The Special First Reading (Philippians) speaks of Jesus pleasing the God-Father fully and completely; and therefore in turn exalting Jesus to take charge of creation under Him, just like Joseph of the Old Testament was exalted by Pharaoh, to rule over Egypt, under him. But it also speaks of Jesus’ humility and accepting the paths God lead Him through. I presume Jesus undertook everything as is echoed by Psalm 23 – where he is totally dependent, trusting and confident in God in all ways, therefore not fearing anything, but trusting His father. In such a relationship, the words of the Our Father, speaks to us, and invites us to call God – Our Father.

Then Psalm 8 speaks of God’s love of Humanity and steadfast cherishing it beyond anything else, that gave birth to creation.

Finally, the Special Gospel speaks of He who should not be named, the Great I Am of the Old Testament, on the Eight Day, like his loved humanity, being given a Name – Jesus. At this name, says, Philippians, all knees bow and revere the creator God who became man, to lead blind humanity like a shepherd leading his flock to drink of the wellspring of Eternal Life.


Bible Verse For Today​

The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us.
To those who accepted him
he gave power to become the children of God.

Saints Today

The Most Holy Name of Jesus
© 2023