The Spirit of Truth

H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.05.08 - WednesdayImagesThe_Spirit_of_Truth_wp.jpg

In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the coming of the Spirit of Truth, who will lead humanity to the full Truth.

The Holy Spirit As Truth And Guide

Reflection on the Gospel of HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY John 16:12-15 Jesus is the way and the source of life. He is the eternal truth. Everything else is temporary. But for us mere mortals thinking of heavenly things isn’t easy to take in, digest and assimilate. To experience God seems to be a distant finishing line […]

The Holy Spirit As Truth And Guide

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Sixth Week Of Easter John 16:12-15 God seeks our consent to come and abide in us. Our consent is not only about believing in Jesus as God, it also means accepting the Truth (not human truth), and learning to accept it and living in it. He […]

The Holy Spirit as Revealer of the Truth and as a Guide

John 16:12-15   The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, is in complete union with the Father and the Son. He is the one who reveals the Truth; opens our eyes, hearts and mind to see and understand the Good News of Gods’ Love, especially in and through Jesus, Jesus’ Life […]