Jesus the Cause of Division

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-Ninth Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 12: 49-53 The family which prayers together, stay together, but in todays Gospel Reading, Jesus talks about division and contradicting He brings to peoples life and in society? He illustrates it by saying everyone He will be cause for […]

Jesus the Cause of Division

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday Of The Twenty-Ninth Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 12:49-53 “I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish it were already ablaze!  Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!” Frightening, […]

Jesus the Cause of Division

Reflection on the Gospel of the Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time Luke 12:49-53 What is your opinion, who do you think of Jesus? This is the approach to understand this Gospel Text. Our opinion of Jesus may vary depending on “our” perception and understanding of Him. Some may accept all the statements in the Bible […]

Jesus the Cause of Division

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-Ninth Week In Ordinary Time Luke 12:49-53 Does The Word of God Heal us or at times upset and confuse us. Are we true disciples of Jesus and can we experience his healing presence, understand his teachings and Love in every passage and word He personally […]