The Chosen :: Season1 Episode 8: Invitations

The episode begins with the scene of Jacob and his sons searching digging for water and building wells. Later we will this scene being linked to Jesus. I loved the depiction of the scene of a dinner party that Jesus attends, at the home of one of his disciples house and the mention of Holy […]

The Chosen :: Season1 Episode 7: Invitations

This episode starts with a scene from the Old Testament Moses is making a bronze serpent. Joshua enters and questions this idol making. Moses stresses on Obedience to God’s Instructions because walking with Yahweh is not an act of reason but an act of faith. When we read the Bible, we come across many invitations […]

The Chosen :: Season1 Episode 6: Indescribable Compassion

By the title of this episode we can guess that this episode is filled with miracles of Jesus. The two miracles presented are healing of the leper and the paralytic man. The depiction of the scene of the healing of the leper, is shown in a very realistic way. However, I presume the lepers were […]