The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Sowing God’s Word

Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Reading 1
2 Samuel 7:4-17
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 89:4-5, 27-28, 29-30
Mark 4:1-20
Mass of Memorial

God is steadfast and unshakable in His love of humanity. The Bible is a testament of this.

  • Right from the moment he dreamt humanity,
  • then going on on to create the universe for humanity,
  • creating the garden for humanity’s stay,
  • creating Humanity and giving all creation to it as dowry.
  • Humanity rejecting God in the Fall of Adam and Eve
  • and the rest of the Old Testament, in the like manner of Adam and Eve, rejecting God

But God did not give up on humanity. He always blessed it to keep it humble and so that humanity be helped to realise that it’s perfection was in being one with God.

With this background in mind look at the story of the Sower.

  • Here is a God who does not want to takeaway the freedom of humanity to choose and determine its own future
  • Yet desires that humanity realises the truth about itself and God and in humility accept it
  • Knowing how negative/positive decisions and desires, can become blessings and blocks
  • God sows His Word/Truth in the present to secure Humanities future.

This sowing is not aimless and pot-by-luck. and there are no four classes of soils equaling four types of people. It is all every person with four phases in their lives.

  1. First, is when we are like the Prodigal Son, self-righteous and know all’s, disassociate with God.
  2. Second, when as time passes we get reacquainted with God, but having no relationship with Him, nor chasing it seriously, things fade away
  3. Third, is when life’s circumstances make us remember the God we came to know in stage two, and we seek to want to grow in Him. But this is not the only desire/focus in our life, and these other desires like the camel who is given an inch and who takes the el, these desires push God out of our lives.
  4. Fourth, is when we atlast accept God as creator, Father and friend. The best illustration here is Jacob’s wrestling match in Genesis 32. We have given up fighting. but we also want God to bless us and to grow in a relationship with Him.

David in the First Reading is an exception to the above process, though he has other faults. From an early age He knows what it means to have a relationship with God. And being in a relationship with God, He desires to honour God in every way. And one day he realises and is ashamed; that God who is rightful King of Israel (Sinai Covenant), lives in a simple tent (The Tabernacle), while he who is God’s representative to Israel is living in a Palace. Before this no human had approached God with such great self-giving desire. And God blesses His desire and offers David a covenant, different from that of Sinai, but associated with Abraham, Melchizedek and Adam.

  • God promises David an eternal Dynastic Rule over all God’s People, (Not Israel alone).
  • Connects the promises of Abraham to David,
    • thus fulfilling the promise of his descendant would govern all people,
    • and promising to fulfill the one where Abraham would become a world wide blessing.
    • This one will be fulfilled in King Jesus – the eternal hope of humanity.
  • This covenant would also complete Adam’s/Eve’s Role and the promise to Adam and Eve.
    • that of the redemption and bringing back of humanity to God as mentioned in Genesis 3:15
    • Also it will take forward Adam’s/Eve’s calling of priesthood
    • Again fulfilled in the Eternal Priesthood carried forward through Melchizedek, Abraham, finally in Jesus the Eternal High Priest, making intercession before the Father.

Reflect, and pray with great desire to get in a relationship with God… And you will discover these same blessings in your life…

Bible Verse For Today​

The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; all who come to him will live forever.

Occasion of the Day

Saint Francis De Sales

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Reading 1
2 Samuel 7:4-17
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 89:4-5, 27-28, 29-30
Mark 4:1-20
Mass of Memorial

God is steadfast and unshakable in His love of humanity. The Bible is a testament of this.

  • Right from the moment he dreamt humanity,
  • then going on on to create the universe for humanity,
  • creating the garden for humanity’s stay,
  • creating Humanity and giving all creation to it as dowry.
  • Humanity rejecting God in the Fall of Adam and Eve
  • and the rest of the Old Testament, in the like manner of Adam and Eve, rejecting God

But God did not give up on humanity. He always blessed it to keep it humble and so that humanity be helped to realise that it’s perfection was in being one with God.

With this background in mind look at the story of the Sower.

  • Here is a God who does not want to takeaway the freedom of humanity to choose and determine its own future
  • Yet desires that humanity realises the truth about itself and God and in humility accept it
  • Knowing how negative/positive decisions and desires, can become blessings and blocks
  • God sows His Word/Truth in the present to secure Humanities future.

This sowing is not aimless and pot-by-luck. and there are no four classes of soils equaling four types of people. It is all every person with four phases in their lives.

  1. First, is when we are like the Prodigal Son, self-righteous and know all’s, disassociate with God.
  2. Second, when as time passes we get reacquainted with God, but having no relationship with Him, nor chasing it seriously, things fade away
  3. Third, is when life’s circumstances make us remember the God we came to know in stage two, and we seek to want to grow in Him. But this is not the only desire/focus in our life, and these other desires like the camel who is given an inch and who takes the el, these desires push God out of our lives.
  4. Fourth, is when we atlast accept God as creator, Father and friend. The best illustration here is Jacob’s wrestling match in Genesis 32. We have given up fighting. but we also want God to bless us and to grow in a relationship with Him.

David in the First Reading is an exception to the above process, though he has other faults. From an early age He knows what it means to have a relationship with God. And being in a relationship with God, He desires to honour God in every way. And one day he realises and is ashamed; that God who is rightful King of Israel (Sinai Covenant), lives in a simple tent (The Tabernacle), while he who is God’s representative to Israel is living in a Palace. Before this no human had approached God with such great self-giving desire. And God blesses His desire and offers David a covenant, different from that of Sinai, but associated with Abraham, Melchizedek and Adam.

  • God promises David an eternal Dynastic Rule over all God’s People, (Not Israel alone).
  • Connects the promises of Abraham to David,
    • thus fulfilling the promise of his descendant would govern all people,
    • and promising to fulfill the one where Abraham would become a world wide blessing.
    • This one will be fulfilled in King Jesus – the eternal hope of humanity.
  • This covenant would also complete Adam’s/Eve’s Role and the promise to Adam and Eve.
    • that of the redemption and bringing back of humanity to God as mentioned in Genesis 3:15
    • Also it will take forward Adam’s/Eve’s calling of priesthood
    • Again fulfilled in the Eternal Priesthood carried forward through Melchizedek, Abraham, finally in Jesus the Eternal High Priest, making intercession before the Father.

Reflect, and pray with great desire to get in a relationship with God… And you will discover these same blessings in your life…

Bible Verse For Today​

The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; all who come to him will live forever.

Saints Today

Saint Francis De Sales
© 2023