David was anointed to be the successor of King Saul, while Saul was still alive. Saul when he came to know of this, pursued David to kill him. But God always saved David from all fatality. But it was a problem for the people of Israel, whom should they follow, by and large, Israel sided with Saul, because he protected them and was quite successful against his enemies.
Eventually, Saul died, yet David did not stake claim for Kingship over Israel, He went to his own tribe, Judah, who readily made Him king over itself. A time came when the successor to David was assassinated and the rest of the tribes came to David and invited David to be King over all of them. This they did by getting into a covenant with David, and by extension, David’s descendants.
Jesus, as we see in Matthew 1 is the ancestor of David, and his rightful claim to the throne over Israel. Yet as Jesus will tell Pilate at His trial, Jesus was not interested in lip service or the general homage of Israel or the world. He desire people to pursue God with all their heart, mind and being. That is the Kingdom God wishes to have, that His children cling to Him in conviction, faith and love.
But if one should dis-associate himself from Jesus-Yahweh, then in a way there is nothing God can do, because, God respects the decisions we make. And after knowing all the truth, to dis-associate with Jesus is a grave matter.