The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Nations and Constitutions

Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, bishops
Reading 1
1 Timothy 1:1-8
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 91:1-2,3-4,5-6,10-11
John 8:31-42

India was a people and a collective, combined with one idea of nationhood, before it became a Republic on 26th January, 1950. The difference between both is that they were united by a desire and intent by the idea of Nationhood, but as a Republic it was clear what this Nation was to be and how they would live this experience by the rules and regulations that they framed for themselves. This is/was their identity.

The same was true for the Hebrews of the promised land. They were of one family; i.e. Jacob (also called Israel), and all aspired to be identified by Him, and live according to the God he followed. This became more of a desire, when Yahweh brought them out of Egypt. But yet they were a people, and not a Nation. This they became when God, whom they accepted as their King at Sinai, gave them the Law, i.e. the 10 Commandments.

But to continue to identify with the Nation and King of Israel, the people had to live according to the Law, and in this they failed miserably. The First reading speaks of those who do not have first hand knowledge and experience of God and claim to be His representatives and teachers. To be certain as to who is who, look at their fruits.

The same is true for our nation, we should watch the fruit of our leaders, and choose and support wisely. If we out of fear do the opposite, then we are saying we do not have faith in Yahweh. But do the right thing in love, so that God be glorified in and through you.

Then there is the story of the leaders, which we find echoed in the Gospel reading. What is at the heart of their leadership, Self-gain, biased gain, or the truth? Jesus says the truth will set you free. Even if it is bitter, undesirable, inedible, Truth in the long run balances everything and ushers in Peace. Those with vested interest will be intolerant to the truth and will try to push it at the side or heap things on top of it, to hide it. This will only lead to sickness for all, especially the nation.

Jesus, in today’s Gospel proclaims He is the Truth. This is not so much about religious conversion as much as it is to do with who He is and the message and the nature of things He teaches. If we learn His message and its meaning, we will discover the Truth of our existence and the Truth of the problems around us. And Truth will free us to live fully.

Bible Verse For Today​

Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.

Occasion of the Day

Republic Day

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Nations and Constitutions

Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, bishops
Reading 1
1 Timothy 1:1-8
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 91:1-2,3-4,5-6,10-11
John 8:31-42

India was a people and a collective, combined with one idea of nationhood, before it became a Republic on 26th January, 1950. The difference between both is that they were united by a desire and intent by the idea of Nationhood, but as a Republic it was clear what this Nation was to be and how they would live this experience by the rules and regulations that they framed for themselves. This is/was their identity.

The same was true for the Hebrews of the promised land. They were of one family; i.e. Jacob (also called Israel), and all aspired to be identified by Him, and live according to the God he followed. This became more of a desire, when Yahweh brought them out of Egypt. But yet they were a people, and not a Nation. This they became when God, whom they accepted as their King at Sinai, gave them the Law, i.e. the 10 Commandments.

But to continue to identify with the Nation and King of Israel, the people had to live according to the Law, and in this they failed miserably. The First reading speaks of those who do not have first hand knowledge and experience of God and claim to be His representatives and teachers. To be certain as to who is who, look at their fruits.

The same is true for our nation, we should watch the fruit of our leaders, and choose and support wisely. If we out of fear do the opposite, then we are saying we do not have faith in Yahweh. But do the right thing in love, so that God be glorified in and through you.

Then there is the story of the leaders, which we find echoed in the Gospel reading. What is at the heart of their leadership, Self-gain, biased gain, or the truth? Jesus says the truth will set you free. Even if it is bitter, undesirable, inedible, Truth in the long run balances everything and ushers in Peace. Those with vested interest will be intolerant to the truth and will try to push it at the side or heap things on top of it, to hide it. This will only lead to sickness for all, especially the nation.

Jesus, in today’s Gospel proclaims He is the Truth. This is not so much about religious conversion as much as it is to do with who He is and the message and the nature of things He teaches. If we learn His message and its meaning, we will discover the Truth of our existence and the Truth of the problems around us. And Truth will free us to live fully.

Bible Verse For Today​

Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.

Saints Today

Republic Day
© 2023