God’s love is for everyone and everything. Yet in this world stands in opposition to the truth that He Is. Jesus is the visual representation of God’s Love for all humanity and creation. He is the image of the Father, in human form. In His time on earth, He showed us How we too can come to the Father’s presence, by knowing His will and making it ours. Where can we find God’s will, but in the journal that is the Bible, which shows us God’s action on behalf of Humanity, from Day One. Anything more, and it will be like forcing His will on us. And God stops Himself from doing that. He offers his journal to us to read about His action in the Old Testament, made crystal clear in the Gospels, and encouraging us with the rest of the New Testament. If we should immerse ourselves in God’s Word, we will find the beating heart of God. And when we take all this to Him in prayer, we will find God is waiting for us, to converse with us and share our lives with us.
If we should look the other way, and choose to do other things, maybe even good things; we condemn ourselves. As the understanding goes, everyone can be pointed to the stream to satisfy ones’ thirst, but you cannot force one to drink from it.
In Acts we see, Jesus leading the Church to be fruitful and multiply. The choice to welcome Jesus’ truth, and messiahship, was still with each person to accept or deny. So also it is with you.