In the Gospel reading, Jesus speaks of Himself as the Bread come down from heaven, alluding to the Manna provided for the Israelites in the time of their Exodus through the desert. But they eat the manna and were not satisfied. But Jesus satisfies completely, in every sense. He is the food, that purifies and sets us right, so we can come back in the Father’s presence, like before the fall of Adam and Eve. This helps us understand that Bread here is a reference to Covenantal Food, partaken after a covenant is enacted.
So what is life in God, but to be extensions of Him, and being in communion with Him. This is illustrated by the deacon Phillip, marvelously by like. One of the seven appointed Deacons by Peter and company, He went away or was lead by the Spirit to Samaria, where, under his Ministry, in the grace of the Holy Spirit, he helped convert the Samaritans. Once his work was completed, he was lead to the Eunuch, to bring him salvation. After this he was lead to Caesarea, and had a flourishing Ministry there also. To walk in God’s shadow and live according to his hearts desire is fulfilling and satisfies us, because in doing this, we are actually discovering ourselves.