Jesus Casts Out the Gadarene Demoniacs

Jesus Casts Out the Gadarene Demoniacs

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Thirteenth Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 8: 28-34 Evil is a powerful force in our world, seemingly present everywhere, and is so difficult to eradicate. Jesus is the Son of God and can overcome the evil. The mission of Jesus transcends all boundaries. He is […]

Jesus The Kingdom of God

Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday Of The Thirty-Second Week In Ordinary Time   Luke 17:20-25 The kingdom of God is around us and within us. I is closer and available then our own breath. Today’s scripture reading is clarifying our doubts about the distance and place between us and the Kingdom of God. […]

Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Twenty-Third Week In Ordinary Time Luke 6:12-19 Luke’s Gospel is for everyone, in the sense that he is not specifically writing to an ethnic group, like the Jews, or anyone else… Therefore his message is universal. This is derived from the words that he stood on […]

Jesus Denounces Scribes and Pharisees

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twentieth Week In Ordinary Time Matthew 23:1-12   Each and every religion has its own teaching of faith. Accordingly they have teachers, pandits and gurus to teach their community. Similarly. the Jewish community had Rabbi’s who taught and explained the Law of Moses. The Rabbis interpret […]

Jesus and the Father

John 14:7-14 Jesus in verse 6, i.e the verse just before todays reading, has identified himself as the Way – the Truth – the Life. i.e the fullness that we need to attain to be in the Fathers presence. To be in the Father’s presence means to have an identity. We like the Prodigal Son, […]