Exhortation to Watch

Each and everyone might have great plan about own life. Everyone wants wealthy and easy life. Many time our goals are related to this worldly things. We keep on moving ahead with lots of ups and down to achieve our goal. Prime motto of this worldly person is to inherit the kingdom of this world.

The Question about the Resurrection

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Thirty-Third Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 20: 27-40 After the exile Israel people were lived like sheep without shepherd. During that period 2 groups of people raised and led the Israel 1) Sadducees who take care of ritual and sacrifice in the temple. 2) Pharisees […]

Jesus Walks on the Water

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Thirty-Second Week Of Ordinary Time   Matthew 14: 22-33 Today’s passage is followed by feeding 5000 thousands men besides women and children. As per Jesus instructions disciples collected the left over loaves and moved to other side of seashore . Jesus dismissed the crowds and went […]

Mammon, the Kingdom of God and Infidelity

As we all are aware that all of us are living in a competitive world. Each and everyone desires to have healthy and wealthy lives. In order to achieve this each one of us are struggling very hard. Many times we fail to maintain a balance in our lives and get fully focused on earthly things. Once we become settled and become wealthy, then our needs becomes wants and we start running behind more worldly things, but all this work and success is temporary and limited to this world.

Jesus on Humility and Hospitality

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Thirtieth Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 14: 1, 7-11 Each parable of Jesus is have a valuable teaching for our day to day life. Everyone love to be in highest place and honour by people In order to achieve the place we do follow two […]

Jesus Ministry and Appointment of His Successors

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Ninth Week Of Ordinary Time Feast: Apostles Simon & Saint Jude Luke 6: 12-19 Many people attracted by Jesus preaching, teaching and healing and started followed him, thus he had both man and woman disciples. Out of that he selected 12 apostles to be with him […]

Belief is expressed in words and deeds, not denied

Belief is expressed in words and deeds, not denied

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Eight Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 12: 8-12 Jesus is very much aware about the challenges of the world and his mission to world. His disciples were living in comfort zone which Jesus want to break and come out of it. Jesus gave primary task […]

True Blessedness

True Blessedness

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Seventh Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 11: 27-28 Throughout Jesus ministry life people were amazed and praised him for his marvellous deeds and work. Many were praised heavenly Father for the sake of Jesus. Many scholars and scribes denied to accept the act of Jesus. […]

Jesus Rejoices over the Return of the Seventy

Jesus Rejoices over the Return of the Seventy

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Sixth Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 10: 17-24 Jesus started his mission with chosen people. He made 2 set of group of people. First group of people started their ministry during life time of Jesus and second group of people started their ministry post resurrection […]

Jesus Again Foretells His Death

Jesus Again Foretells His Death

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twenty-Fifth Week Of Ordinary Time   Luke 9: 43b-45 In Jesus preaching, teaching and healing many people were astonished and followed him. Many were become his disciples and served him as they saw glorious Jesus in Jerusalem among traitor, however Jesus very much clearly explained his […]