The Faithful or the Unfaithful Slave
Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twenty-First Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 24: 42-51 Keep awake… the first half of the gospel reading is a reflection that we need to set time aside for pray and to dialogue with God, or we will always be caught in our daily busy schedule […]
The Cross and Self-Denial
Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Twenty-First Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 16: 24-27 Love is a paradox for all humanity, at the least in current society. Love is a constant, Love is unchanging, Love is unwavering Love lights up the place around you because Love is the beacon of hope […]
The Death of John the Baptist
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Twenty-First Week Of Ordinary Time Mark 6: 17-29 Whoever is committed to Jesus like John the Baptist in today’s gospel is at some point in time going to experienced some form of persecution or harassment for their beliefs? There is a saying that Jesus came […]
The Scribes and Pharisees – Blind Leaders
Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Twenty-First Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 23: 13-22 The people who returned from the Babylonian Captivity came to be known as Jews. They were overzealous to be faithful to Yahweh, and under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah, religious reforms were put in place. One […]
Peters Declaration about Jesus
Reflection on the Gospel of the Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time Matthew 16: 13-20 Jesus asked his disciples a question – Who do you say I am? Peter responded saying that Jesus was the promised Messiah they’ve been waiting for. If Jesus asks us today “Who do you say I am?” What would be our […]
Jesus Denounces Scribes and Pharisees
Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Twentieth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 23: 1-12 The Post Exilic Israelites came to the realization of a basic thumb rule to live a happy life in the promised land. They has received the Law God from God, when he gave the 10 Commandments (= […]
The Greatest Commandment
Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Twentieth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 22: 34-40 In today’s gospel, the Pharisees come as a group to test Jesus again. They select one of their members, a scribe who was an expert on the Law, to ask Jesus another question. The scribe asks Jesus […]
The Call of Nathaniel
Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Twentieth Week Of Ordinary Time John 1: 45-51 Philip and Nathanael were learned people, probably they were friends for a long time, and knew each other very well. Both were eagerly and sincerely preparing and waiting for the Messiah to come. Probably they also received […]
The Laborers in the Vineyard
Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Twentieth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 20: 1-16a “ I choose to give to this last, the same as I give to you.” Finally, there is something I can do better than God. Of course, it’s Math . What? Can’t you see God’s foolishness? He […]
The Annunciation
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Twentieth Week Of Ordinary Time Luke 1: 26-38 In the past we have spoken of how come only Simeon and Anna knew of the child Jesus’ presence in the Temple; because of their friendship with God. Lets reflect then, on Mary’s own relationship with God. […]