The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Who is Your King?

Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 89:16-17, 18-19
Luke 7:16
Mark 2:1-12
Mass of choice

It was always God’s Idea to reside in the hearts and homes of humanity. But humanity was fearful and distanced itself from God. When Yahweh redeemed Israel from Egypt, He offered them a covenant, He would be their God/King and they His people. He would reside with them in their tents and He would make all the Israelites, priests for the glory of the World. They were scared, they rejected this offer of them having to interact with God directly, because they saw the grandeur/fanfare of God as He approached Mount Sinai. They were fearful, because this God was different from the inanimate gods of Egypt, with whom they were accustomed. So they insisted on Moses alone to be the middle man, who would approach God and communicate God’s intention to them. God agreed, but they had rejected God’s direct presence in their lives. But the part that God would be their King remained, but at a distance.

What they had sowed they were now reaping (today’s first reading). With no King in their midst. They did not know their King-God also. Now they were in the midst of people who were different and they were afraid of them. A people, initially whom they were called to be priest towards,  they were now afraid of them. Their insecurity had made them loose their focus, They wanted a human king. They had seen how faulty the Judges System was. They wanted permanent security. They wanted a king, but a human king. Samuel understood the  mistake they were making, and tried to explain things to them, but they were deaf to reason, and ignorant of the covenant they were overlooking. They would have to face the consequences of breaking the Sinai Covenant.

And the consequences are there to be seen, a division of the kingdom, only a handful of kings who faithfully came before God, knowing that they were caretakers on behalf of God, the rest foolish and full of pride, considered themselves as Kings to rival King Yahweh. After that the two exiles and being divested of any kings, humiliated and shamed.

In the Gospel Reading, Jesus the King is in their midst, their rightful king. And they can see all the signs and wonders that show us His identity. Yet, the people are deaf and unmindful of God’s Desire – to reside with and in them. Jesus in undeterred by their actions. He remains eternally the same, loving, caring and merciful. He looks at the desire and faith of those who have broken the roof of his earthly house. He speaks the word, the paralysed man get up and leaves the house with his bedding.

Take stock of your life, and answer the question, who is your King, in word, action and deed?


Bible Verse For Today​

A great prophet has arisen in our midst and God has visited his people.

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 89:16-17, 18-19
Luke 7:16
Mark 2:1-12
Mass of choice

It was always God’s Idea to reside in the hearts and homes of humanity. But humanity was fearful and distanced itself from God. When Yahweh redeemed Israel from Egypt, He offered them a covenant, He would be their God/King and they His people. He would reside with them in their tents and He would make all the Israelites, priests for the glory of the World. They were scared, they rejected this offer of them having to interact with God directly, because they saw the grandeur/fanfare of God as He approached Mount Sinai. They were fearful, because this God was different from the inanimate gods of Egypt, with whom they were accustomed. So they insisted on Moses alone to be the middle man, who would approach God and communicate God’s intention to them. God agreed, but they had rejected God’s direct presence in their lives. But the part that God would be their King remained, but at a distance.

What they had sowed they were now reaping (today’s first reading). With no King in their midst. They did not know their King-God also. Now they were in the midst of people who were different and they were afraid of them. A people, initially whom they were called to be priest towards,  they were now afraid of them. Their insecurity had made them loose their focus, They wanted a human king. They had seen how faulty the Judges System was. They wanted permanent security. They wanted a king, but a human king. Samuel understood the  mistake they were making, and tried to explain things to them, but they were deaf to reason, and ignorant of the covenant they were overlooking. They would have to face the consequences of breaking the Sinai Covenant.

And the consequences are there to be seen, a division of the kingdom, only a handful of kings who faithfully came before God, knowing that they were caretakers on behalf of God, the rest foolish and full of pride, considered themselves as Kings to rival King Yahweh. After that the two exiles and being divested of any kings, humiliated and shamed.

In the Gospel Reading, Jesus the King is in their midst, their rightful king. And they can see all the signs and wonders that show us His identity. Yet, the people are deaf and unmindful of God’s Desire – to reside with and in them. Jesus in undeterred by their actions. He remains eternally the same, loving, caring and merciful. He looks at the desire and faith of those who have broken the roof of his earthly house. He speaks the word, the paralysed man get up and leaves the house with his bedding.

Take stock of your life, and answer the question, who is your King, in word, action and deed?


Bible Verse For Today​

A great prophet has arisen in our midst and God has visited his people.
© 2023