The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

The House of David – An Eternal Dynasty

Monday of the Third Week of Advent
Reading 1
Jer 23:5-8
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19
Mt 1:18-25
Preface Advent II • Proper Mass

One of the promises/covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) accorded to Abraham was that  from him would come rulers, but one such Ruler would establish an family of rulers whose kingdom would have no end. Meaning that kingdom would forever rule in the world. This is at the start of salvation story. After that would come Moses and the establishing of the Kingdom of Israel (Fulfilling the first promise to Abraham), then would be followed by the Joshua and Judges Era followed by the Kingdom Era.

The first ruler of Israel was Saul, a great King, but he had no relationship with God, and he did not pursue to have one. And his insecurities got the better of him. David followed him tot the Throne of Israel, and had a relationship with God like his ancestor Abraham. One day he realised that God, in the Tabernacle was living is a miserly tent, and he a mere human in a palace, and he desired to build an house/temple for God. Looking at David’s selfless desire for God, God offered Him Abraham’s Second Promise, that a son of his would ever sit on the throne of God’s People, till one of His descendent would come to the throne and sit on it forever. Within this understanding we must look at the Psalm 110:1-7; where David says; ‘The Lord says to my lord, “Sit at my right hand, 
until I make your enemies your footstool.”‘ David knew his role, and he knew God’s heart, he knew of the coming of the Messiah, who would be born from his lineage… and he rejoiced in this.

The said reality of Jesus’ time tells of the sad circumstances of what happened after David and Solomon. Alienation from God, division of the kingdom into two, degradation in the two kingdoms and eventual Exile. But God was always shown with Judah, the tribe from where David Came, and one of David’s son was always on the throne of Judah, till their Babylon Exile. What about The Northern Kingdom of Israel (Made of 10 Tribes). They went into exile and were mixed with the locals of Assyria in such a way, that they were totally lost. While Judah as a tribe came back from their exile, it was not possible to do that to Israel. To these is the First Reading speaking; Don’t despair, The Kingdom of David will flourish, and the one David speaks of as ‘My Lord’, will come to His throne, and will establish God’s Governance over God’s People, like David and even more… He will make it possible for all those assimilated Israelites to come and enjoin themselves to God’s Kingdom. God has not deserted nor forgotten one single soul, He will come and save.

The Gospel concludes this story arch by telling us of the David’s – My Lord. Matthew 1 Starts with connecting the dots; Jesus to David and Jesus to Abraham. Now is the time to complete Abraham’s Third Promise – Worldwide Blessing – And we are introduced to a couple who are friends of God, and they are in a strange circumstance; Mary is with Child before marriage. Her fiancé loves and respects her and her decisions, so he wants to move out of her life without any controversy. But God tells Him

  • The child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
  • This is the My Lord of David, the Messiah, the son of man of Daniel
  • The time has come to fulfil Israel’s role as priest to the Nations
  • He will do what God promised to Adam and Eve take away the stain of the Original Sin
  • The sin where Proper friendship with God was broken – He will re-establish it – he will save his people from their sins.

Bible Verse For Today​

O Leader of the House of Israel, ‘giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:’, ‘come to rescue us with your mighty power!’

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

The House of David – An Eternal Dynasty

Monday of the Third Week of Advent
Reading 1
Jer 23:5-8
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19
Mt 1:18-25
Preface Advent II • Proper Mass

One of the promises/covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) accorded to Abraham was that  from him would come rulers, but one such Ruler would establish an family of rulers whose kingdom would have no end. Meaning that kingdom would forever rule in the world. This is at the start of salvation story. After that would come Moses and the establishing of the Kingdom of Israel (Fulfilling the first promise to Abraham), then would be followed by the Joshua and Judges Era followed by the Kingdom Era.

The first ruler of Israel was Saul, a great King, but he had no relationship with God, and he did not pursue to have one. And his insecurities got the better of him. David followed him tot the Throne of Israel, and had a relationship with God like his ancestor Abraham. One day he realised that God, in the Tabernacle was living is a miserly tent, and he a mere human in a palace, and he desired to build an house/temple for God. Looking at David’s selfless desire for God, God offered Him Abraham’s Second Promise, that a son of his would ever sit on the throne of God’s People, till one of His descendent would come to the throne and sit on it forever. Within this understanding we must look at the Psalm 110:1-7; where David says; ‘The Lord says to my lord, “Sit at my right hand, 
until I make your enemies your footstool.”‘ David knew his role, and he knew God’s heart, he knew of the coming of the Messiah, who would be born from his lineage… and he rejoiced in this.

The said reality of Jesus’ time tells of the sad circumstances of what happened after David and Solomon. Alienation from God, division of the kingdom into two, degradation in the two kingdoms and eventual Exile. But God was always shown with Judah, the tribe from where David Came, and one of David’s son was always on the throne of Judah, till their Babylon Exile. What about The Northern Kingdom of Israel (Made of 10 Tribes). They went into exile and were mixed with the locals of Assyria in such a way, that they were totally lost. While Judah as a tribe came back from their exile, it was not possible to do that to Israel. To these is the First Reading speaking; Don’t despair, The Kingdom of David will flourish, and the one David speaks of as ‘My Lord’, will come to His throne, and will establish God’s Governance over God’s People, like David and even more… He will make it possible for all those assimilated Israelites to come and enjoin themselves to God’s Kingdom. God has not deserted nor forgotten one single soul, He will come and save.

The Gospel concludes this story arch by telling us of the David’s – My Lord. Matthew 1 Starts with connecting the dots; Jesus to David and Jesus to Abraham. Now is the time to complete Abraham’s Third Promise – Worldwide Blessing – And we are introduced to a couple who are friends of God, and they are in a strange circumstance; Mary is with Child before marriage. Her fiancé loves and respects her and her decisions, so he wants to move out of her life without any controversy. But God tells Him

  • The child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
  • This is the My Lord of David, the Messiah, the son of man of Daniel
  • The time has come to fulfil Israel’s role as priest to the Nations
  • He will do what God promised to Adam and Eve take away the stain of the Original Sin
  • The sin where Proper friendship with God was broken – He will re-establish it – he will save his people from their sins.

Bible Verse For Today​

O Leader of the House of Israel, ‘giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:’, ‘come to rescue us with your mighty power!’
© 2023