The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Taking Away The Uncleaness

Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
2 Samuel 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30–19:3
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Matthew 8:17
Mark 5:21-43
Mass of choice

The First Reading can serve as the background to understand the Gospel reading better.

In the First Reading, continuing from yesterday, the revolt by Absalom against his father David is taking place. David does not want to fight his own Son. But Absalom knows without killing David, there is no legitimate claim to the rulership of Israel. And as things would have it, his hair, the pride of his looks and appearance, get snagged in some trees, and the mule carrying him goes on, leaving him handing there. David’s general takes advantage of this, and has Absalom slain. David grieves his son, thus disheartening his soldiers, who were with him in this moment of trial. But the key thing here is the pride and the fall and also the guilt and shame of revolt against parent, and trying to usurp power for self. Isn’t this is exactly what Adam did to his Father? Is not what Israel do to Yahweh her King? Do we not do the same to Jesus? Such deeds make us unclean.

The Gospel Story is a sandwich. Here the story/filling in the middle needs to be understood first, in order to understand the main story. The Woman  with the Twelve Year Hemorrhage is represent Israel (and by extension the world) who is unclean because of her acts of revolt. They are dead in this their sin. And Jesus is saying; ‘I forgive, be healed and come now and be in God’s company. You who were once dead (Adam and eve were told that if they would eat the fruit, they would be dead. meaning spiritually dead – i.e. have no relationship with God, and would have to live away from the presence of God), now rise, because I breathe life into you again. I take away your uncleanness, now live – come into my presence.


Bible Verse For Today​

Christ took away our infirmities and bore our diseases.

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Taking Away The Uncleaness

Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
2 Samuel 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30–19:3
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Matthew 8:17
Mark 5:21-43
Mass of choice
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