Jesus Spirit and Life

H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.03.06 - WednesdayImagesJesus_Spirit_and_Life_wp.jpg

God had commanded Adam and Eve, if they ate from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they will die. Did anyone die? Is God a liar? Actually there was a death, the spiritual death of humanity. Spirit means everything connected with God. And human-God connection died. There was a disconnect. But God did promise to put everything back in order (Gen 3:15).

The Law and the Prophets

Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Third Week In Lent Matthew 5:17-19 God had given his Law (Ten Commandments) for the benefit of His People. The People looked at it literally and missed the Holiness God desired to convey to His people. The Law became all the legal points that the people […]

The Law and the Prophets

Matthew 5:17-19   The Old Testament Law and prophecies are fulfilled in and through Jesus, because the role of the Old Testament was to slowly reveal Christ. So the Ten Commandments (Law) are not wrong, but indicators to fulfilment in Jesus who come to complete them, not change them. This is the heart of Jesus […]

The Law and the Prophets

Matthew 5:17-19 Whatever the prophets of the Old Testament foretold, we see getting fulfilled in Jesus. Yahweh had given the Law to the people of Israel at Sinai, as part of the package of freedom, he bestowed on them. It was meant to keep them free in and through a loving relationship with God himself, […]