
H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.04.15 - MondayImagesHunger_wp.jpg

We are defined by who we are and what we desire to be!

Righteousness and Trouble

H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.03.15 - FridayImagesRighteousness_and_Trouble_wp.jpg

The First Reading from the book of Wisdom speaks of those lacking is righteousness, conspiring against the wise and the righteous man.

Our Father

Our Father

Who is God? We can call Him Creator, the Originator of everything, the supreme being who controls everything, the terrifying Lord of the cosmos, etc. But those are titles and actions, who is He really? Is He unapproachable? Is He indifferent? The closest that I can get to express who He really is, is that He is Good, he is Love and He is Father.

God of Hope

God of Hope

God warned Noah, the head of his people, there is going to be a flood, prepare for it, save yourself and save your people. Build an ark, don’t mind the fact that you are in the middle of the desert, when the waters do come, it will be unimportant that you are in the desert, […]

Feeding on God’s Word

Feeding on God’s Word is what really satisfies us. It is the source of baptismal conversion, since the Spirit takes what Jesus taught and preached, and through it opens our understanding to the ways and heart of God.