
King Solomon is remembered for his Wisdom and today’s First Reading tells us how he asked for Wisdom from God; and no only was he granted wisdom, but earthly wealth also. I will say it was earthly wisdom that is spoken of here, because he wanted to excel in governing the people.

Jesus Feed the People

Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday Of The Fourth Week In Ordinary Time Mark 6:30-34 Jesus trained his disciples and sent them for mission in pairs. Disciples after finishing their first missionary are returned to Jesus and shared their experience of teaching, preaching and healing. As a caring and sensible master Jesus knows that […]

Crowds Follow Jesus Everywhere

Reflection on the Gospel of the Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Mark 6:30-34   The introduction (6:30–34) highlights the contrast between Jesus’ desire for solitude and his concern for the large mass of people who come from “all the cities.” Since the crowds prevent Jesus and his disciples from enjoying the solitude they sought (6:31), […]