Joy and Exultation, in the Presence of God
There are two optional readings that we can read for the First Reading, today. One is from the Songs of Songs and the other from Zephaniah. Both speak of Joy and exultation, the Song speaks of Joy in the presence of our beloved, and Zeph speaks of the joy that comes because God has taken away our reproach/our stay outside the camp, and made us whole by bringing us back into His presence. Here you should remember, Adam/Eve were cast out of God’s Presence.
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Fourth Week Of Advent Luke 1:39-45 Blessed are you who believed! This passage speaks of Mary and her outward approach to life. She has just been informed of her coming role as Queen Mother, to the Saviour of the World. The Creator God himself, who is […]
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Reflection on the Gospel of the Sunday Fourth Sunday Of Advent Luke 1:39-45 Today’s Gospel Reading is perhaps the most iconic images of the Bible. The visitation is a significant event recited in every rosary of the Joyful mysteries. It marks the meeting of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, the messenger for the […]