Born Again

Born Again

Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Second Week Of Easter   John 3: 7b-15 All of us set goals in our respective life and the Lord too has set a goal for us the moment we are born which is found in today’s Gospel “so that whoever believes in him may have […]

The Chosen :: Season1 Episode 7: Invitations

This episode starts with a scene from the Old Testament Moses is making a bronze serpent. Joshua enters and questions this idol making. Moses stresses on Obedience to God’s Instructions because walking with Yahweh is not an act of reason but an act of faith. When we read the Bible, we come across many invitations […]

Nicodemus and Jesus: The Son of Man

Jesus expains to Nicodemus

John 3: 7b-15 I love John Chapter 3, over the years I have collected insights to it. Here Jesus is specifically pointing out to Nicodemus that one needs to be transformed by the Holy Spirit, and we cannot be presumptuous that we know how God works or even the Holy Spirit. We need to cultivate […]

Nicodemus Visits Jesus

Nicodemus visits Jesus

John 3:1-8 The Gospel of John has the teachings of Jesus on a higher level of understanding than the synoptic Gospels, at times not very easy for everyone to understand. In this passage Jesus is engaged in a conversation with Nicodemus, a sympathetic unbelieving Pharisee, a renowned Jewish teacher and probably belonging to a high […]