The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Remain In My Love

Sixth Sunday of Easter
Reading 1
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4
Reading 2
1 John 4:7-10
John 14:23
John 17:11b-19
Creed • Easter Preface • Gloria • Proper Mass
H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.05.05 - SundayImagesRemain_In_My_Love_wp.jpg
Love, it’s the heart of a relationship.  It is a free gift from God who is love himself.  He loved us first and therefore we seek love in return. However, we tend to satisfy ourselves with disordered imperfect love that can never satisfy us. We are restless until we seek perfect love that is embodied in God.
God is perfect true love because He emptied himself out for us by dying on the cross in order to save us. Yes, true love is a sacrifice. It is emptying out of self for the betterment of the other. It is this sacrificial love that we are called to live. If we accept the love of God and we abide in His love, we will make sacrifices to express our love for Him. It doesn’t have to be martyrdom but dying to flesh to experience the Spirit. Because it is the Spirit that prompts us to abide in God’s love and follow God’s teaching.
So, waking up early and spending time in silent personal prayer, sacrificing those tempting extra minutes of sleep or reflecting on the readings of the day before mass and attending mass on time. Showing up for prayer even though we aren’t interested in prayer are some sacrifices we make to respond toward God’s love.
Love is a free choice, a decision not an emotion. Love demands trust, it demands time so that the relationship can mature and become fruitful.  More that words, love is expressed in action of life lived. The early church and the lives of Saints inspires to abide in God’s love so that his Kingdom may truly reign in our hearts and the community we live in.

Bible Verse For Today​

Whoever loves me will keep my word, says the Lord, and my Father will love him and we will come to him.

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Sixth Sunday of Easter
Reading 1
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4
Reading 2
1 John 4:7-10
John 14:23
John 17:11b-19
Creed • Easter Preface • Gloria • Proper Mass
H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.05.05 - SundayImagesRemain_In_My_Love_wp.jpg
Love, it’s the heart of a relationship.  It is a free gift from God who is love himself.  He loved us first and therefore we seek love in return. However, we tend to satisfy ourselves with disordered imperfect love that can never satisfy us. We are restless until we seek perfect love that is embodied in God.
God is perfect true love because He emptied himself out for us by dying on the cross in order to save us. Yes, true love is a sacrifice. It is emptying out of self for the betterment of the other. It is this sacrificial love that we are called to live. If we accept the love of God and we abide in His love, we will make sacrifices to express our love for Him. It doesn’t have to be martyrdom but dying to flesh to experience the Spirit. Because it is the Spirit that prompts us to abide in God’s love and follow God’s teaching.
So, waking up early and spending time in silent personal prayer, sacrificing those tempting extra minutes of sleep or reflecting on the readings of the day before mass and attending mass on time. Showing up for prayer even though we aren’t interested in prayer are some sacrifices we make to respond toward God’s love.
Love is a free choice, a decision not an emotion. Love demands trust, it demands time so that the relationship can mature and become fruitful.  More that words, love is expressed in action of life lived. The early church and the lives of Saints inspires to abide in God’s love so that his Kingdom may truly reign in our hearts and the community we live in.

Bible Verse For Today​

Whoever loves me will keep my word, says the Lord, and my Father will love him and we will come to him.
© 2023