The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Release from Shame

Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot
Reading 1
1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10
See Mt 4:23
Mk 3:1-6
Mass of Memorial

In the First Reading we see Israel is dealing with shame heaped upon it by the Philistines. The Gospel Reading reminds the  reader of Israel’s past where the breakaway kingdom of Northern Israel went into idolatry, lead by a king whose hand had wither, when he opposed God.

David lead by the heart of God responds to the insults heaped upon Israel by the Philistines by challenging Goliath in God’s Name, and for God’s sake, because Israel bore God’s Name and protection. Do we dare to do the same today, not in self-righteous anger, but being lead by God’s spirit. The distinction between good work and God’s work is who guides you to the work. Being lead by God to do the right things, in the right spirit is important. We need to learn this.

Jesus guides us to a right disposition and attitude, to doing God’s work in the Gospel Reading. There is a man needing God’s healing touch, but it is also the Sabbath. God’s Wisdom teaches, it is okay to do the right thing, but knowing God’s will also is important, for what is right in one circumstance may not work out in another. And we know from reading the Gospel’s, Jesus always sought God’s will in all circumstances. Let us also cease to do all things in our own strength. Learn to wait on Jesus, and acquire His wisdom and direction.

Bible Verse For Today​

Alleluia, alleluia.,
, 'Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom',
, 'and cured every disease among the people.',
, 'R. ', Alleluia, alleluia.,
See Mt 4:23

Occasion of the Day

Saint Anthony

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot
Reading 1
1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10
See Mt 4:23
Mk 3:1-6
Mass of Memorial

In the First Reading we see Israel is dealing with shame heaped upon it by the Philistines. The Gospel Reading reminds the  reader of Israel’s past where the breakaway kingdom of Northern Israel went into idolatry, lead by a king whose hand had wither, when he opposed God.

David lead by the heart of God responds to the insults heaped upon Israel by the Philistines by challenging Goliath in God’s Name, and for God’s sake, because Israel bore God’s Name and protection. Do we dare to do the same today, not in self-righteous anger, but being lead by God’s spirit. The distinction between good work and God’s work is who guides you to the work. Being lead by God to do the right things, in the right spirit is important. We need to learn this.

Jesus guides us to a right disposition and attitude, to doing God’s work in the Gospel Reading. There is a man needing God’s healing touch, but it is also the Sabbath. God’s Wisdom teaches, it is okay to do the right thing, but knowing God’s will also is important, for what is right in one circumstance may not work out in another. And we know from reading the Gospel’s, Jesus always sought God’s will in all circumstances. Let us also cease to do all things in our own strength. Learn to wait on Jesus, and acquire His wisdom and direction.

Bible Verse For Today​

Alleluia, alleluia.,
, 'Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom',
, 'and cured every disease among the people.',
, 'R. ', Alleluia, alleluia.,
See Mt 4:23

Saints Today

Saint Anthony
© 2023