The Bible: The Power of Rebirth


Monday of Holy Week
Reading 1
Isaiah 42:1-7
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14
Verse Before the Gospel
John 12:1-11
Preface of Passion II • Proper Mass
H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.03.25 - MondayImagesGratitude_wp.jpg

The actions of Mary the sister of Lazarus, can be because of 3 reasons.

  • One, Some conclude that Mary is the Woman caught in adultery. If so then here she is showing her gratitude to Jesus.
  • Two, Mary is showing her gratitude for raising her brother Lazarus from the dead, just a few days back.
  • Three, Mary having perceived the words of Jesus, about He being lead to His death, is overcome with emotions and is expressing her gratitude in the only way she could find at that time.

The Gospel text does says that Jesus is in the house of Lazarus, but not with who else is there, except the Lazarus household. Since there is mention of Judas, we can assume that Jesus is there with His apostles. Jesus being there with friends, there is a probably a lot of small talk happening, And there are many things Jesus saying. Some are of them are attentive, others casual in their attention. I suppose Jesus mentions His upcoming death, and Mary who sat attentive at Jesus’ foot, every time she got the opportunity, hanging onto everything He said, suddenly realises what actually He is saying. Suddenly the house is filled with the aromatic scent of nard, everyone seeks to understand where it is coming from. They find Mary at Jesus’ feet, crying. She has already poured out the Nard on Him, and now she is drying his feet. Judas murmurs, about what a waste of such good nard. Everyone is saying something or the other…

‘Leave her alone,’ Jesus says out loud, ‘she has done well, her actions are in tune with my coming death.’ O what a honour.

Jesus invites all of us to join Mary, and sit at His feet and express ourselves. There is no qualifying requirement, sinner or saint, religious or atheist, beloved or rejector, all are invited. Come, sit, share; Jesus is here for you.


Bible Verse For Today​

Hail to you, our King; you alone are compassionate with our faults.

The Bible: The Power of Rebirth

Monday of Holy Week
Reading 1
Isaiah 42:1-7
Responsorial Psalm
Psalms 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14
Verse Before the Gospel
John 12:1-11
Preface of Passion II • Proper Mass
H:Lectio DivinaReflection 2024.03.25 - MondayImagesGratitude_wp.jpg

The actions of Mary the sister of Lazarus, can be because of 3 reasons.

  • One, Some conclude that Mary is the Woman caught in adultery. If so then here she is showing her gratitude to Jesus.
  • Two, Mary is showing her gratitude for raising her brother Lazarus from the dead, just a few days back.
  • Three, Mary having perceived the words of Jesus, about He being lead to His death, is overcome with emotions and is expressing her gratitude in the only way she could find at that time.

The Gospel text does says that Jesus is in the house of Lazarus, but not with who else is there, except the Lazarus household. Since there is mention of Judas, we can assume that Jesus is there with His apostles. Jesus being there with friends, there is a probably a lot of small talk happening, And there are many things Jesus saying. Some are of them are attentive, others casual in their attention. I suppose Jesus mentions His upcoming death, and Mary who sat attentive at Jesus’ foot, every time she got the opportunity, hanging onto everything He said, suddenly realises what actually He is saying. Suddenly the house is filled with the aromatic scent of nard, everyone seeks to understand where it is coming from. They find Mary at Jesus’ feet, crying. She has already poured out the Nard on Him, and now she is drying his feet. Judas murmurs, about what a waste of such good nard. Everyone is saying something or the other…

‘Leave her alone,’ Jesus says out loud, ‘she has done well, her actions are in tune with my coming death.’ O what a honour.

Jesus invites all of us to join Mary, and sit at His feet and express ourselves. There is no qualifying requirement, sinner or saint, religious or atheist, beloved or rejector, all are invited. Come, sit, share; Jesus is here for you.


Bible Verse For Today​

Hail to you, our King; you alone are compassionate with our faults.
© 2023