Hail Mary! Filled With Grace!
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The Sign: The Announcer Of The Coming of The Messiah
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To be God’s Companion
In reading the first reading, was surprised at the language Hannah is using in talking of God, she says she is lending to God what is already His. Such language is very often heard between married couples. Meaning we get to see the relationship that Hannah had developed with Yahweh, and her trust in Him.
Joy and Exultation, in the Presence of God
There are two optional readings that we can read for the First Reading, today. One is from the Songs of Songs and the other from Zephaniah. Both speak of Joy and exultation, the Song speaks of Joy in the presence of our beloved, and Zeph speaks of the joy that comes because God has taken away our reproach/our stay outside the camp, and made us whole by bringing us back into His presence. Here you should remember, Adam/Eve were cast out of God’s Presence.
Immanuel – God With Us!
In the first reading, we find that Judah is in a political dilemma. Surrounded on all sides by its enemies, and not being able to do anything, King Ahaz is thinking of striking a deal with the Babylonian Kingdom. The Prophet Isaiah approaches him and asks him to reconsider. He invites him to get into […]
Faith: The Necessity to Believe
Christmas is about this hope, that both these men teach us, believe and trust, therefore do everything that you believe, trusting God to honour you with His presence and friendship.
The House of David – An Eternal Dynasty
One of the promises/covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) accorded to Abraham was that from him would come rulers, but one such Ruler would establish an family of rulers whose kingdom would have no end. Meaning that kingdom would forever rule in the world. This is at the start of salvation story. After that would come Moses and the establishing of the Kingdom of Israel (Fulfilling the first promise to Abraham), then would be followed by the Joshua and Judges Era followed by the Kingdom Era.
Jesus Light and Hope of the World!
Today’s readings ask us to rejoice. It’s time for the coming of the Messiah and his kingdom. The promise of Salvation to all is freely available through the anointed one who brings the Gospel.
A New Exodus!
In the First Reading taken from the Book of Isaiah. The people of Israel are asked to prepare themselves to meet the Messiah. However, we now know that it would be over half a millennium later that the prophecy of Isaiah would be fulfilled with John the Baptist repeating the message of prophet Isaiah. That’s a long time of waiting.
Be Watchful, The Bridegroom is Near
It’s the first Sunday of Advent. A season to prepare our hearts and encounter Jesus anew. In the First Reading taken from the book of Isaiah, the people of Israel are struggling to be holy but yet the Lord never gives up on them. He is the Potter who has a perfect plan but we must be the clay soft to his creative fingers. But often God finds us rigid and is unable to work with us. Yet, the truth is that God has bestowed every blessing and grace on us through his son, our Lord Jesus Christ.