The Harvest Is Great the Laborers Few
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Fourteenth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 9: 32-38 In today’s gospel the writer mentions that Jesus was moved with pity/had deep compassion for the needs of the people. He sees them harassed and dejected, wandering and aimless like sheep without a guiding shepherd – a […]
A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed
Reflection on the Gospel of the Monday In The Fourteenth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 9: 18-26 Matthews Gospel is all about relationship with a very real and ever present God, who walks besides us and is waiting to interact with us. Then why do we not see him and are not able to […]
The Yoke of Jesus
Reflection on the Gospel of the Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Matthew 11: 25-30 Tired.. tired.. tired… tired of the chores, tired of the mundane, tired of doing things, tired of so many things. These are our struggles that burden us and yet Christ is the last person that comes to mind when we are […]
The Question about Fasting
Reflection on the Gospel of the Saturday In The Thirteenth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 9: 14-17 Fasting is fashionable word used by many people in today’s world. Many keep fasting for several health benefits like weight loss, improved blood sugar control and decreased inflammation hardly few people keep fasting to seek God through […]
The Chosen :: Season2 Christmas Special: The Messengers
It is interesting to watch the conversation that could’ve happened between Joseph and Mary when they knew she was with child and Joseph still was betrothed to Mary. Throughout the New Testament Joseph’s words aren’t recorded but his actions are. His obedience to do God’s will, his love to choose to be with Mary and […]
The Chosen :: Season2 Episode 8: Beyond Mountains
This episode opens showing a portion of the Promised Land given to the tribe of Reuben, is in the process of being sold to two businessmen who claim to be from the tribe of Simeon. The businessmen con the owner to sell the land for 49 talents and then speak of signing a covenant Deed […]
The Call of Matthew
Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Thirteenth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 9: 9-13 In today’s Gospel Jesus calls Matthew who worked as a tax collector in Capernaum, a profession that labelled Matthew as a “sinner” and an outsider to the kingdom of God. He was despised and isolated by everyone […]
Jesus Heals a Paralytic
Reflection on the Gospel of the Thursday In The Thirteenth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 9: 1-8 Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? Jesus Heals a Paralytic with authority and power. When we approach and surrender in faith for our needs or the needs of others, the […]
Jesus Casts Out the Gadarene Demoniacs
Reflection on the Gospel of the Wednesday In The Thirteenth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 8: 28-34 Evil is a powerful force in our world, seemingly present everywhere, and is so difficult to eradicate. Jesus is the Son of God and can overcome the evil. The mission of Jesus transcends all boundaries. He is […]
Jesus Stills the Storm
Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday In The Thirteenth Week Of Ordinary Time Matthew 8: 23-27 In today’s gospel note the contrasts. There is the terror of the disciples and the composure of Jesus who is asleep. There is the ‘chaos’ of the storm and the ‘dead calm’ which follows after the intervention […]