Feeding the Five Thousand
Reflection on the Gospel of the Friday In The Second Week Of Easter John 6:1-15 Jesus attracted the people like a magnet with his teachings, a whole new perspective on God – from someone far away just giving instructions or commands to one who is a loving and caring father to each one. His teachings […]
Jesus Feeds A Crowd Of Five Thousand
Reflection on the Gospel of Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time John 6:1-15 The Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand. Jesus notices that a multitude of people have followed Him and His disciples. Jesus knows that the people are tired, hungry and are in need. He is interested in taking care […]
Jesus Feeds a Crowd of Five Thousand
John 6: 1-15 During his short ministry of 3 years, Jesus went about healing the sick, bringing the dead back to life, and tirelessly preaching the Word of God and converting the hearts of the people. The People followed him to see more and experience more. In today’s passage Jesus does another miracle of making the people share […]